
And I’ll support him the whole way. If he loses, I’ll very grudgingly vote for her.

Is it weird that I am super excited to vote tomorrow? I AM ALWAYS SUPER EXCITED TO VOTE. Even in local elections! polls open at 7 so I should get there at 6:30, right? Do you think they will let me camp in the parking lot of my polling place?!

This dumpster fire of a convention is coming to my town next month. I’m watching that circus from the safety of my parent’s home in the burbs that weekend.

Hillary did the same thing when she was running against Obama... so I love hearing people complain about this when it happens the other way.

Sweet! He already got a bunch of people, including Cornell West, on the platform committee; I’m excited to see what else he can do:)

I got it because everyone did. Then deleted because it is mostly just celebrities promoting their upcoming gigs. Then got it again because I was worried that I was missing out after see tweet beat here. Trust me. They are giving you the high lights here. The rest of the tweets are self indulgent gobbley goop. Knowing

are you really doing this

I suppose my critique is that no one simply throws out data like this without having a point to make. I don’t believe the point is ‘Here’s just some raw data, make of it what you will, I have no strong opinions one way or another about what any of this means’. My experience is when someone puts out some isolated data

do you really think CU created super PACs? It only slightly changed the rules...people who wanted to donate millions to influence elections have always had one option or another.

The most interesting thing to me, though, is the fact that 28.6 percent of Sanders donors are not in the workforce, whether unemployed, disabled, or retired. The next most common field among donors is healthcare, at 7.4 percent, and education, at 7.2. Read the whole thing here.

I think the hype comes from the fact that Sanders is getting a 11% higher percentage of the youth vote than Obama did in the 2008 primaries. Which is impressive even if it’s not nearly enough to win anyone the nomination,

New York’s Zephyr Teachout, Nevada’s Lucy Flores, and Washington state’s Pramila Jayapal and that’s just the first round. Granted both him and Clinton and sinking an incredible amount of money into California. Also Clinton didn’t drop out in ‘08 almost the convention, she suggested anything could happen and noted RFK

he’s funding progressive down-tickets

Ah yes, there’s literally no reason one would want to push Hilary to the left, only vanity. And when I think of vanity, I think of an elderly man who clearly doesn’t own a comb.

I’m one of those “unemployed” donors. I’m a SAHM. Not sure why that’s particularly interesting.

I’m not saying that his success or failure is proof, I’m saying the amount of money he got with small individual donations is proof. And with a good campaign manager and a good candidate, that amount of money could be plenty to lead a candidate to victory in the future.

Not even close to the same way Bernie has. Obama still took money from Super PACs and even took Wall Street money*. What Bernie’s campaign has done is basically invalidated the excuse that you must take money from special interests to play the game.

Shocking that the people who are in the worst financial situations would want to donate to the only candidate that gives a shit about them.

As this report has shown, I think the most beneficial thing Bernie has done is shown that an election can be run this way. With full disclosure and small contributions.