
You seem pretty self-aware, and as long as you keep that up I don’t think you have anything to worry about sexism-wise. Sports though? I think the focus on hobbies and sports are symptomatic of how disingenuous she is. She plays a stale character on the trail that is completely unrelatable. Pair that with a record, an

It’s a sad fact this election that a Clinton Super PAC is spending one million dollars on planting paid pro-clinton commentary. It’s also a fact that Trump dips hits are posing as both Clinton and Sanders commentary.

She’s more a compassionate conservative. Yay gay and women’s rights (as decided by the states), but you’re all getting austerity and war with it.

You don’t think the election is very anti-establishment this year? Then you haven’t been paying attention.

She is not the most viable, she is literally the most unfavourable Democratic candidate in modern history. If facts are hell for you, there you go.

Her hobbies are giving millions worth of speeches to Plutocrat, starting wars without a plan after the destruction, and vacationing with the Bush family.

I’d also suggest Raytheon stock, Hillary de Hawk favors hurling missiles at people without armies. See Libya... Or what’s left of it.

Exactly. I’m a woman about to be stripped of my vagina for not getting in line behind war and Neoliberal policies.

I think underestimating Clinton’s unpopularity, for whatever reason you subscribe it to, will leave us with a President Trump.

Dramatic was Hillary saying Obama could be assisnated as her excuse for staying in. She had to lend her campaign millions of her own personal wealth b/c no one was donating. It was a way nastier campaign so her supporters whining now are truly disingenuous.

3. Obama promised to pay her campaign debt, literally millions.

I’m pointing out all the false equivalency here, not suggesting Obama is performing 11million murders. Also krystalnacht is not the holocaust, as others have pointed out.

There are also people who live in areas where wild animals, such as black bears where my parents live, who absolutely should have a gun in case of emergencies. They don’t even have animal control to call b/c so many shit heads in Appalachia would rather have less gubberment. Half a dozen bears came traipsing through

I mean, Obama has actually been doing nighttime raids on women and children. Is there broken glass being heard? We don’t get into Hitler comparisons, and demand it stop, or call him a Nazi, but maybe we should all be more outraged. From Reuters:

I mean, Obama has actually been doing nighttime raids on women ND children. Is there broken glass being heard? We don’t get into Hitler comparisons, and demand it stop, or call him a Nazi, but maybe we should all be more outraged. From Reuters:

Yeah, I had no idea either.

Right! How can people forget that is often exactly what a traumatic event does? It puts you in shock; freezes you up.

<Hugs> No worries.

I know the term sociopath gets thrown around a lot these days, but she’s a real one, right?