usurping reptile

May I point to a document that will brighten your day?

Trump is an empty, grease-stained McDonald’s bag borne aloft by a stray breeze. He cannot control his direction, and his current height is due to the vagaries of chance. I guess the point I’m driving at is, he is literal garbage and his garbage-ness is so fundamental to his being that I don’t think he can actually

Lol, we’re more likely to get a lifted dually parked up on the sidewalk and a pair of edible thongs purchased at the Circle K. 

As a kid I once dropped an icecream cone moments after buying it. I picked it up and ate it.

It doesn’t die. It just goes into hibernation. It sheds its skin, and the skin becomes a clown costume, waiting for an idiot real estate agent to mistake it for a costume and wear it to their kid’s birthday party, and then it takes over the real estate agent’s body so it can eat children.

He also thinks Akie Abe doesn’t speak English.

Fucking with higher education and making it harder for women to make reproductive decisions? It’s a Republican twofer!

Let’s see, lemme grow out my white beard, gain 20 lbs (i need to lose weight) and hang out with racist old fuckers in terrible bars, then go outside to my heavy, slow, loud, expensive bike, don my “for novelty only” half helmet, and go putter home a couple miles. Sounds like fun.

A a...mall? In New Jersey? Ugh, I’d be so much better at being “rich.”

It only takes one senator to say, “fuck it, I’m out” and then the dam breaks. Who that senator could be is still unclear, but my guess is the cracks are showing.

And then he’ll get pardoned by his dad. It’s a win-win for everybody! Well, everybody with the last name Trump at least.

It’s always struck me how BMW interiors can be simultaneously feel solid and luxurious like leather wrapped marble, but then a few years go by and everything looks like it was glued together with Elmer’s.

Good points, but how many trucks are involved in local transfer, as opposed to over-the-road? Perhaps the local transfer (warehouse to store; warehouse to delivery point; etc.) routes with all of that starting and stopping on surface streets will mark the first level of change. Transfer drivers rarely log more than


“Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter” Trump 14 oct 1014.

The other issue here is that unfortunately we’re all better off in the long run if he spends his time on Twitter rather than attempting the job he is miserably incapable of performing.

god, can you imagine what an Obama whitehouse that acted like this would look like? He and Michelle absorbed some incredibly nasty commentary, and the birther stuff was not even the worst of it. I miss our old first lady

I flagged Tom Fuller.

Nah, you’re not getting old. The old event was more of a rally. Now it’s slowly morphing into a road event. Rally is exciting to watch because of the slip angles which give the impression of speed on TV. Tidy racing on pavement looks slower unless you’re standing there in person. TV camera angles and zoom are used

That's not how the DoD does things. Separate facilities for separate budgeted projects. As S.R. Hadden said in Contact,"why build one when you can have two at twice the price?