
I'm leaning towards "cousin" like maybe Jonas Sr. had a sister, who Blue Morpho had Monarch/Malcolm with.
Although it seems like Rusty would remember his Father's best friend AND sister dying in a horrible plane crash…
Unless of course Jonas hid it from Rusty because he was secretly working on cloning technology to

Yeah, I came here for GOB references.

The Sword of Destiny vs The Pick of Destiny

That's…not how insemination or conception works.

I didn't know RDJ was in this!

Seeing as he was pretty blase' about cloning them (and lying to them about being clones), I doubt he'd mind. Plus, he doesn't have to help Dean study anymore…

We could just start calling her Sheila. I mean, 21 gets to be Gary now.


I just thought it was a joke about how St. Cloud always gets trivia stuff wrong. Of course he would call the song by the incorrect title.

"…I can't do this."

It always struck me as him having picked up some of Brock's sort-of-midwestern-sounding drawl, and cross that with Doc's effete diction (sort of New England-y maybe?). So he sounds like a rich east coast kid affecting a salt-of-the-earth midwest thing?

Sure, blame the dog.

What a fox! Rowr…I mean what's on Fox tonight? Something ribald, no doubt.


Once again I must sugar my own churro.

He got more gongs than the breakdancing robot that caught on fire…

I love Peggy. She's hardly ever the level headed scold (that would be Hank). She constantly falls into half baked schemes, but she's usually smart enough to get herself out of trouble. She has so much misplaced confidence, it's pretty endearing. She's basically a grown up Tina Belcher (but less pervy).

Unacceptable! No, Lemongrab episodes are pretty grating.

I dunno. I feel like Urie's lyrics are much more succinct, whereas Ross was awkwardly verbose and far too impressed by his own cleverness. It helps that Urie's delivery can wring a lot more emotion out of a line like "if you love me, let me go" rather than "the rooms have a hint of asbestos and maybe just a dash of

According to Peter Jackson, they realized after a few rehearsals that they had cast the role too young and (apologetically) sent him packing. Which had to be an awkward conversation…