
You should check article comment sections. There Putin little fans and bots are foaming about how good Trump is for the world, and how the US under Obama was a complete disaster.

He looks like someone who doesn’t know to handle rwd properly. Some fancy 4x4 would be my bet. Something raw and good-sounding.

This is Jason writing. He usually doesn’t grasp the more complex picture. Let him keep writing his fantasy articles with Scooby Doo and Mikey Mouse vehicles.

Red state voters didn’t think of it. And their orange leader is on the same level who doesn’t seem to understand economic dynamics that well it seems.

Yeah, cool artistic show there buddy. But not gonna enter in a cab with a dude with some buzzing noise with glasses trying to make an forceful convo.

This overkill of embles in the back. Good classical Alpina.

You can only blame your own stupid voters in swing states. It’s baffling how American voters actually voted for this circus clown who is the biggest narcissist ever.

LoL the typical “no matter how bad he/she was/is, i will miss...”. Come on people, be more original.

Chevrolet’s logo has always been ugly. The last iterations look as if the more different Photoshop filters you use to make it bloated, the more awesome it is? Very untasteful logo in my opinion.

As a citizen of one of the Baltic states i find it really amusing how Terrell’s reporting is egregiously flawed. And i’m sorry to say this, but the only way to understand the situation here next to Russia is to live here and understanding the multifaceted and complex cultural and political situation concerning Russia

Terrell, you said to provide a new insight with your articles. You just wrote the typical Foxtrot Alpha-style article. You wrote the exact same thing you can get from every news sites. You didn’t provide any insight. Just references and copy-paste.

I hope nobody is butthurt about this. Conan is a showman. He bashes everything. And Teslas look boring as fuck anyway.

A random wiki entry spoil. Was there really a reason to make an article about this? Kristen Lee’s articles have been really dull overall.