Still makes more sense than the trickle down economy, so...
Still makes more sense than the trickle down economy, so...
In case any of his cclan buddies are reading this, he totally never said he has that. Doesnt even know what it means. Crooked hillary! Wall! Sad.
Shut up!!!! If they dig for footage on that they will find it. It will be on every front cover. You wanna See that?
Yes but just once. SShe really loves exexutions otherwise
Well, maybe he will stop. He could be broke soon. Nobody llends him money anymore, hhe is poison to businesses and the trump uni case could cost him enough for another bancruptcy. Plus the repubs will hate him for costing him the white house and the dems will hate him cause they love hillary. Then who can he bribe?…
“Something about her just is different from all our presidents, Something physical, i dont know you tell me... people are saying it i m not saying it... She just is too forceful but not strong you know? Fellas?”
Well She fast tracked enough exexutions to win in Florida!
8 Mill and counting. He even buyys from the winery. Why does a campaign need wine?
The sad Part is that he will never even realize that women find him to be the unfuckable one.
Maybe they are all too tarrnished since citizens united?
But that was because they couldnt nail him on quid pro quo, only undisclosed gifts. Oder did they have sth this precise?
Out now? He has been doing this since the 80s! And people have barely started asking his surrogates about it. A properreporter would ask trump if he had ever donated to attorney generals before, ags who were not interested in suing him. Or force him to explain the “when i call, they do what i want” Statement. He was…
This makes no sense... there’s no way, trump was born in benghazi, kenya.
Hes not doing anything to win but he is still ahead in iowa, closer in michiga, nevada, nc, oohio, Florida. Plus assange made it his mission to take down clinton.
Well, if a single news outlet cCovered trumps actual corruption instead of devoting their full attention to hillary and yelling “this looks bad” about everything until they find, as usual, no evidence of wrongdoing or are exposed for manufacturing a Scandal. Then they state “but questions remain... oh, look, her…
That “poor ” rich doctor should lose his medical license for signing some Joke of a letter trumps limo driver handed him
How dare You! Dont bring harry potter into This!
It’s about keeping an Open mind and being able to laugh at yourself. Which is why lliberals can be Bad, see Bill maher
She look like someone who never eats. Like, She would Date Roger ailes and be convinced that all women should never get fat or else they lose their value.
I object, mostly to the childs game nonsense. This is the national sport in my country. But it’s nice of you to only be offended by political protest when you don’t like the sport. I assume protesting in a nascar car is okay?