I think me liking ur post worked lol.
I think me liking ur post worked lol.
Cry some more about it, imperial dog.
I dont give a shit about Assange. It’s the other whistleblowers I care about.
Love the dipshit libs in this post being as pearl clutchy about whistleblowers as the average right winger.
this dude clearly thinks exposing war crimes is a worse crime than war crimes themselves.
real scumbag nationalist hours
fucking embarrasing post.
the goofies that claim Sanders and Warren are just as old and mummy like as biden are gonna have a wild time spinning this guys exploding eye ball.
Gotta own the berniebros by being a mysoginist to a celebrity that supports Sanders.
nah fuck man city, lol
if you really think there’s nothing extremely sus about this situation then your brain is as smooth as glass.
Jake Tapper is a clown.
“digi-Cruise does his own stunts!” doesnt have the same appeal. I say we copy the plot and clone tom cruise instead.
that grubstakers episode with nick mullen and matt christman was so fucking good.
All cops are bastards.
“Ah yes today I will make people smarter by whining about a children’s movie poster” - Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
Theres few things as enjoyable as picking up a show in like the middle of season 3 and trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.
This is so sad and heartbreaking. And horrifying.
no other reply needed.