
Liberals are so fucking embarrassing.

Real imperialism hours. 

you did the guy with the stuffed pheasant dirty by including him with all these assorted cavemen and psychopaths.

come on biden you fuck, we need you to come in and split the centrist dipshit vote.

I tried but I just don’t give a fuck about Lauren Duca or any other hypocrite #resistance grifter.


Its frustrating. The Kree are basically the United States but in space, so it's disappointing for the ads to push this movie as air Force propaganda. 

The US empire bombing brown people is not what keeps iO9 running. 

Most impressive thing about Booker is him dating Rosario Dawson.

If centrists still think that packing the supreme Court the next time the Dems win is wrong, then they need to fuck off and be useless elsewhere. Let's bump it up to 13 justices. Fuck anyone who disagrees. 

This is one disturbing fantasy you have there pal.

Civility is horseshit when dealing with racists. 

Yup. Only good thing Biden will do this campaign is help split the dumb centrist vote. Godspeed Biden.

Tfw you actively help Hillary campaign but get blamed for torpedoing her campaign just because you did what any candidate would do during a primary.

Damm was Sanders an AG devoted to keeping black men locked up too? Big if true.

Great article, though I suspect a few of the commenters here are gonna be pissed about that Liz Warren part.

Damn is Bernie running as a third party? Wtf 

Who should lead this progressive wing? Kamala Harris the cop? Amy Klobuchar? Joe “these millennials need to shut up” Biden? Cory “peak corporate whores” Booker?

Good. Aside from warren, we’ve got a bunch of bootlicking corporate whores or cops running. He’s old as hell but there’s no one besides the too young AOC ready to carry the flame.

Good platform. Just needs Stacking the supreme Court - national emergency.