
That was the same point of the Sarah Silverman bit. Everyone reacted to how offensive it was for the character to be in blackface, and the idiot character was oblivious to that. 

Slow progress in a climate crisis is worthless. I’m not gonna sit in a fire and try to throw glasses of water at it. I’m gonna make some rapid change and run the fuck out of there.

Marvin Gaye impregnated a 15 yrold teen as well. Theres so many of these classic musicians that fucked teens and it's insane. 

Maybe you should have tried listening to the native Americans angry at her. 

Thats good, but yeah she needs to bring out a public apology. 

True. All DAs can fuck off. 

Spino was big, but he’s just a fish eating gangly lizard. He’s not the more compact solid muscle land predator that the T Rex was.

Idk. I'm down for another spectacular Hillary flame out. 

I too trust Jeff bezos. He has the tastiest boots. 

what if i hate cops? shes too cop for me. ill vote for her in the general if she wins but shes not getting my primary vote  

Whats this from? I love Kyary. 

But I didn't hate bandersnatch 🤔 who is this "you"? 

Cant stop won't stop 

Has SHIELD ever been secret? Winter Soldier made it seem like it was just the CIA but with helicarriers. Like it's building is public and we'll known 

The point of the hounding is white people trying to dictate how Native Americans should feel. 

Now this is advanced trolling. 

Who the fuck cares about any of this shit. People out here really getting more mad about this than when Obama was droning children. What a stupid non controversy. 

Im sorry that splinter doesn’t think your imaginary lib boyfriend is above criticism.

If you want a dumb self aware monster romp over a quality action film like MI:fallout I’d go with the Meg way before Rampage.

Had no idea the spider-woman rights were tied up with Spider-Man. Isn't Jessica drew like unrelated to the Spidey mythos?