
How long before this gets taken down? At least the torrent will live on. 

Who do you think he defended?

It’s not too hard to get ‘condemned’ by the ADL for a joke that involves Jewish people or Jewish culture. Just ask Larry David, Seth Macfarlane, Rob Reiner, Joan Rivers, Michael Che, Trevor Noah, and Sacha Baron Cohen.

Meanwhile the white supremacists who really control everything just sit back and watch the marginalized groups fight each other.

He didn’t say Jewish people control Hollywood, he said he could understand why some people might think that. “There’s also a lot of Black people in Ferguson, Missouri, but that don’t mean they run the place.”

Speaking of the manual, from the same NES cartridge, what *is* in the manual but few noticed... Duck Hunt was a 2-player game! The second controller could move the ducks around.

Apparently not! Tons of comments on that TikTok talking about all the years wasted. One brought up a good point, too: You would think a trick like this would be in the manual, but it’s not! 

I didn’t have any sympathy for her to begin with, but this kinda just seals the deal.

What gets me is it’s not just a group that’s anti-abortion, it’s one that specializes in really shitty emotional manipulation based on the tiniest sliver of truth, if any at all.

Yeah, I’m sure the company is still bad. But probably not “force ten year old rape victims to have a baby” bad.

Welp, there goes any sympathy I had.

The calls for a boycott, the direct appeal to gamer rage populism, and throwing Hale under the bus were huge alarm bells this was less about shitty industry practices and more a personal vendetta. Schreier is the man.

jason schreiers update is interesting and makes a lot of sense. as union minimum rates are based around $/hour of recording, the offer of 4k from the very beginning assumed only a small amount of material recorded, which Jason Schreirer confirms was a cameo offered as condolence after re-casting her when negotiations

If ever there was a time for AMD to shine, it would be now.

This article convinced me that the only qualification for being a “professional poker player” is having enough money to enter the tournament.  Actual skill is optional.

She said they are working partners in a much bigger business project and this game did not matter that much. She wanted to just let it go and asked him what she can do to fix his mood. He said he wants the money back.

You find it suspicious that she offered to give back the money after he threatened her?

I mean, to me, it just looks like a dumb move that came out lucky for her. It wasn’t a smart play at all, but then again, Adelstein going all in wasn’t particularly smart either. Both went in with nothing and one person won because someone has to.

If she were cheating, she’d have to have been getting some serious help from probably several other people, and it would have had to come down to manipulating the deck, which is practically impossible in professional poker.

Lew called Adelstein’s all-in on the turn, for a quarter of a million dollars, despite not even having a pair.