
How long before this gets taken down? At least the torrent will live on. 

Who do you think he defended?

It’s not too hard to get ‘condemned’ by the ADL for a joke that involves Jewish people or Jewish culture. Just ask Larry David, Seth Macfarlane, Rob Reiner, Joan Rivers, Michael Che, Trevor Noah, and Sacha Baron Cohen.

Meanwhile the white supremacists who really control everything just sit back and watch the marginalized groups fight each other.

He didn’t say Jewish people control Hollywood, he said he could understand why some people might think that. “There’s also a lot of Black people in Ferguson, Missouri, but that don’t mean they run the place.”

I mentioned it to some people in my office (it’s somewhat relevant re: whether we should keep advertising on Twitter) and one of my coworkers still seemed to think Musk knew what he was doing. When I mentioned all the ridiculous things that had happened over the past 14 days, including floating the idea of bankruptcy

I’d love to see Elon lose this entire investment. Maybe, and just barely maybe, will it make him think twice about being such an impulsive fuckwit.

Momoa was born to play Lobo, make it happen Jimmy Gunnz!

What’s extremely dark is that this bullshit story has its origins in the fact that some schools have invested in ‘urine absorption crystals’ because during active shooter drills young children have needed to pee but they can’t leave their classroom until the end of the drill. They aren’t ‘litter boxes’ but teachers

Speaking of the manual, from the same NES cartridge, what *is* in the manual but few noticed... Duck Hunt was a 2-player game! The second controller could move the ducks around.

Apparently not! Tons of comments on that TikTok talking about all the years wasted. One brought up a good point, too: You would think a trick like this would be in the manual, but it’s not! 

I didn’t have any sympathy for her to begin with, but this kinda just seals the deal.

What gets me is it’s not just a group that’s anti-abortion, it’s one that specializes in really shitty emotional manipulation based on the tiniest sliver of truth, if any at all.

Yeah, I’m sure the company is still bad. But probably not “force ten year old rape victims to have a baby” bad.

Welp, there goes any sympathy I had.

Maybe not the hero they wanted... but the hero they deserved.

The entire show was a “How To” for criminals, and was entertaining as fuck. I always enjoy a good rewatching of the show.

“When you’re a spy...”

Jeffrey Donovan’s gotta eat!

I really like Jeffrey Donovan, but RIPD 2? Dude.