
Arizona Republicans have introduced bills in the past at the state level which would have made illegal to give people water. To recap, the scorching Sonora Desert kills dozens of undocumented people every year as people try to cross—usually the most vulnerable (children) are at the highest risks for dying from

Wait, did we get CHIP funding out of this? That may not be that bad a deal then. It means they blinked.

What’s “misleading” about the fact that 53% of white women who voted in last Presidential election chose Trump. Here is a link to Coates article so you can better understand what it means when we bring up that 53%, and if you believe that’s on par with people who bring up black crime stats you need to disabuse

You’re 11 episodes in and have come here to complain.  Troll or just sad loser?

No more press core! But keep the press corps! FACTS!!!

3. Get your big-budget blockbuster banned in China.

I love how right wingers/libertarian morons want to deny Google practically its same basic rights, firing any employee it wants to, than the ones they are supposedly fighting for.

Unsurprising, in the end, futile on his part.

With the rise of Donald Trump, chumps like this have the impression that assholes are now a protected class.

There is no doubt in my mind that most, if not all of the sprinters in that final were using steroids. I know that Carl Lewis was a PED user, it is documented, which makes his whining about Johnson even more revolting.

Give me a break. You haven’t ever made the same mistake twice? Sure it may be on a much larger scale, but like he said he was in shock and didn’t realize he was doing it until he had the mic in Cormiers face.

The smell of the piles of NRA and Koch and Murdoch money that he keeps near his bed likely help just fine.

You seem to have some Grey Comments in need of a solid dismissal, lest they take root and think they’re Real Commenters. I’ll respond to some of them before they’re gone back into the swamp that farted them into existence:

And you can only be patriotic if you are a red-blooded American, aka white.

Like hating gays before you kid becomes one.

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons was the shit.

Beeeee Seveeenteeen Baawmer!

Maybe even add some fog effects...

I think if they had suddenly knocked all the lights out except the TV screens and then flickered them a little, then the girl crawls out of the one screen, people would have lost their minds.