
Even Morrison has said people need to move on from All-Star Superman. 

John Byrne did it when he rebooted Superman after Crisis in “Man of Steel.”

People freaked out, but it turned out to be a brilliant decision.

Wow, never realized Lex Luthor wasn’t depicted as a businessman until the late ‘80s. It seems so integral to his character!

“Younger people give Fleetwood Mac a lot of shit as a peak boomer band...

The Americans was a great show.


I’d much rather watch a reality show about Gul Dukat, honestly. 

How come no one ever wants to talk about the brutal Kardashian occupation of Bajor? 

The Day After Tomorrow was a Roland Emmerich movie.

I really wish they’d covered Black Wednesday - it could have been an interesting echo of how Suez in S2 really damaged Britain’s global reputation.

Meanwhile, the cast and crew of The Abyss certainly had an experience. So much so that some of them refuse to talk about it to this day. The film looks fantastic but at what cost?

The "no one I know..." argument is only convincing if you know several million people. No one I know watches "American Idol," but I understand that lots of people do.

You really have to see it on iMax. I bought my tickets a month in advance for the best seats in the then world’s largest screen at Darling Harbour, Sydney on January 1st 2010 and it looked *amazing*.

He briefly made long hair on guys cool again. That’s plenty of a legacy for anyone.

No mention of Werner Herzog’s equally bizarre non-sequel Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans?

I prefer the Nic Cage one. It’s super Cagey and Herzogy.

Look, I’m forward-thinking - I accept that people like her didn’t choose to celebrate christmas, and that they were just born that way. What I don’t understand is why they just have to be so flamboyant about it. Like, can’t you do your christmas stuff behind closed doors, and not throw it in all of our faces? I’m

Call Me Maybe By Your Name

I think you mean "homophones."