
In the Young Indiana Jones tv show, Indy fought in WWI.  Which scared me as a young kid, because I thought everyone had to eventually go and fight in war, because Indy did.  Childhood naiveté is a strange thing.  

Whether it was intentional or not, I had no idea what was going to happen at that coronation. Was Alicent going to take Rahneys’ woman empowerment talk and crown herself, was Aegon going to stab himself with the dagger, was Aemond going to pull a fast one.....and then damn! It went without a hitch!

The Harldy Boys in: The Mystery of the Missing Editor

I liked the 4th wall aspect of Jen re-writing her own ending. It harkens back to Byrne’s run where she would often argue with him about the story which ultimately ended with her throwing him out a window.

I don’t know why people keep saying she was in Gaslight. There’s no evidence of it, and only a crazy person would think it.

You should probably share the special information you have that informs this opinion with the court, Sherlock.

You can tell by the way prosecutors argued to let him go and then refused to recharge him, things that prosecutors are very willing to do for almost any reason. 

He’s a writer the way Count Chocula is a vampire

Betteridge’s Law of Headlines applies. If a headline is written as a question that may be answered yes or no, the answer is no.

(As writers, we’re allowed to make that joke.)

came after Paddy Considine’s King Viserys made his dramatic “I’d like an Emmy, please” entrance during the big debate sequence.

I would add All Good Things to that list, but those are definitely the best.

Both seasons had a small but devoted fan base right here on AV Club, pretty much all in on the show: Pope jogging suit, Silvio Orlando’s mole, why is that kangaroo in the garden? hot bi-sexual three-way, sexy sexy sexy nuns dancing at Club Jesus, Malkovich’s disassociation to the world, Cardinal Gutierrez it was a

It ain’t the best, but it’s a solid entry. As far a season enders go, it’s probably near the bottom (maybe even the very bottom, since I have a soft spot for the Mark Twain one). But for the series overall, I think it’s at least average. Better than Encounter At Farpoint, Birthright, and Gambit. The second part of

Im trans too!  I don't want to win over people who maybe agree with that woman.  I wish it was a trans person and not someone who can be iffy like Stewart but I'm not picky.  I'm glad this happened 

It’s probably the same as it here with us in Australia except likely even worse going by what we’ve seen up to now, the cons ultimately fall in line behind whoever ultimately ends up as the candidate regardless of what they thought of them beforehand.

I’m archive bingeing X-Books starting from the Silver Age. I'm up to April 1992 cover dates for Uncanny X-Men, Adjectiveless X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Wolverine, and Excalibur.

I was a big fan of watching James Spader and William Shatner chew ALL the scenery that was available to them.  Like those two looked like they were having more fun than I have had in my life just being there.  So I enjoyed that show.  Just for a Marvel show... it seems like a bad fit.  

I love it…but I also like Boston Legal a lot more than most, haha!

On the one hand, I wish people would feel comfortable coming out with stuff like this and depending on people to understand that we all have limitations and that we can work together to help one another out. She was friends with the showrunner for crying out loud, surely they could have found some way to accommodate