
I finally watched Tar this week.

It weirdly overblown by people who were insisting it shouldn’t be released or that it would be dangerous because something something incels.

This sounds like my kind of action. I’ll give it a watch. 

I’m not sure if it really goes glorify it.

And I remember him being a punch line for years up until Infinity War came out.

You had televised morning announcements in high-school?


Netflix: Solid as a rock! 

It was just vapour lock! 

Fuck yeah. Would love to see them live again.

I thought Season 5 worked better than Season 4, though the remix of the latter actually works better than the original.

That second half of season 5 was also released with virtually no promotion whatsoever.

Reds is fucking awesome. Great, great film. Nicholson is so good as Eugene O’Neill. It’s such a more contained performance than so many of his others.

Chariots is a great, great film which is underrated in many ways but is well-made, great performances and is genuinely iconic.

I immediately downloaded both the GB and GBA add-ons and fuck it was fun.

to Shadows of the Night. It’s actually pretty good. 

Conspiracy is a fucking blast. I love that whole episode, from the meeting on Dytallix B to Riker and Picard killing their bosses.

I liked seasons 1-2 a lot more that most people. I appreciate that they didn’t immediately go back to the well with the whole TNG cast.

I love the idea of the internet allowing for more empathy. If there’s one thing people express online, it’s empathy. 

The movie is really underrated. Beautiful soundtrack too.