
The Legion is a weird one in that (particularly post-Crisis), it’s failed to catch on to a wider degree, even among comics fans.

I’m really glad that For All Mankind is getting such strong props in these end of year lists. It’s been one of my favourite shows since its premier and I can’t wait to see where they take it in Season 3.

It wasn’t even offered in my country so it was never an option beyond seeing the general release of it.

Good call on all of that.

Spider-Man 3 is also really funny and engaging in a way that ASM just isn’t. Plus the visuals are just incredibly, particularly in some of its more famous scenes.

Bring back Triclops/Trioculus! 

Yes. I’ve been saying this very thing on here for years. This is what needs to happen. Plus it let’s us see Paul Walker once last time.

Spider-Man 2 is better but the Raimi original is probably my nostalgic favourite.

I’m not sure this article is correct - Series 5 is meant to be covering the John Major years (and the ultimate rise of Tony Blair during its latter bit), with the final season to cover the Blair years themselves through until presumably the 2002 Jubilee and the deaths of Margaret and the Queen Mother. 

It’s my favourite part of the film.  It’s a small but absolutely pivotal role and it works.

It’s nowhere near his best but it isn’t his worst. It’s weird the hate this thing has picked up in recent years, be it an overcorrection to the nostalgia for it from some or just not being the intended audience.

Kareem has always been one of my favourite players.

It was a huge disappointment because I loved the idea of an 80s setting and both the leads had great chemistry but man, what a disappointment.

It’s a bit like Ant-Man, where all the quirky and funny bits people liked and attributed to Edgar Wright actually came from Peyton Reed, Adam McKay and Paul Rudd’s later drafts.

Eternals for me at least was a film which was significantly better in its second half than the first. Once we got to know the characters and see them in action a bit more it improved.

Ultimately, I really enjoyed it in the end. As you said, it strangely works in a lot of ways when it probably shouldn’t and the sheer scope of the project makes it an interesting watch.

The way I recall it was that he indeed was under an exclusive with Crossgen at the time but had it written into his contract as an exemption.

Tom Brevoort tweeted something amazing about that earlier today - After Perez announced his retirement, he agreed to do a final page of artwork for Marvel and went with White Tiger as the character he wanted to draw. It was a lovely page.

One of the great covers. Just astonishing. 

I’m absolutely devastated by this news.