
I know a sorny when I see one

Obama did it - Republicans.

Total kid logic.

Fuck yeah original game boy

Thank you 26-year-old power-lifter.

It's ok so far but I am curious to find out about the notifications side of things.

It's always fun to see a story go so horribly, horribly wrong and get exposed as being bullshit.
Here's a great Australian one from 1997 which is just so spectacular.…

Hey @avclub-12a6616c1184cd586f978a09bde635c9:disqus you BOJO!

Yeah but at the same time, Many of those obscure films will attact little interest, pageviews or discussion.

Here in Australia shops begin putting their Easter eggs on on fucking Christmas Eve.

I love that dude's jittery eye.

Hired was what we used to say here in Australia and still say with regards to DVDs

Cookies are for closers only.

Earth 2 fucking rocked.

And the rise of Asia.

A kid told me that if you say "Bloody Treacher" three times he appears.

RED REDDINGTON lives again.

What country were you from originally?

Stupid Riverdale punks.

Just ask this scientician!