@Trickyhop: android: only 2.5 years behind the app curve
@Trickyhop: android: only 2.5 years behind the app curve
@gouged: apparently this is is controversial, much like the evidence that BMW owners are more affluent than Hyundai owners
their research and statistics probably show what everyone knows from personal experience, namely that Android appeals mostly to people on a budget and a tiny number of very vocal electron janitors/FOSS advocates/Apple haters/likely all three
@Nerdhacker1: lol listen to this aspie
@FlameCell: you can't SSH in
the first shots have been fired, to be certain, I can't see why your average family wouldn't have iPads instead of laptops in a year or so
@Dexomega: classy
@FlameCell: no you can't
android, mar 30 2011: there's no fragmentation
Android is a laugh a minute lately.
@vitorgatti: "still open"
@Alberto Rodriguez: please post your homescreen
@hurr. pancakes: needs more clocks
@james-42: needs more clocks
@kbart: Huh? A trivial experiment can show that's not the case, pour a dram of peaty scotch in a typical lowball and another in a whiskey glass such as this:
jesus christ ladies
@roninpenguin: also if they were interested in protecting their image, they really shouldn't released the Xoom which they built hand in hand with Motorola and put Google branding on
@roninpenguin: "3.0 will be released to the public"
@paddyirish: android: better than iOS in the next release, we promise
@EarlyAdopter: at least Apple's closed experience is a quality one