
It sure was. But in case I wasn’t clear above I’ve done all the therapy since I’ve become an adult and I am doing well.

What a lovely thing to say, thank you so much!

You are very kind! I’ve found that speaking the truth about it was paramount to my recovery.

Thank you. I’ve had great therapy and have a happy life with people who support and respect me! I feel really blessed to be on the other side.

Having suffered years of sexual abuse from my own father and being too afraid to tell anyone, the fact that this young woman had the strength to tell a trusted adult speaks VOLUMES about her. I wish I could hug her and tell her how brave she is.

I do only because as a young and inexperienced cook I tried to make pesto with what I thought were dried basil leaves (which would have been icky in and of itself) but were actually dried bay leaves and it was one of the most repulsive things I’ve ever tasted.

He went full-frontal on Boardwalk Empire.

I’d make a face if someone whacked me in the arm too - no idea why this was such a big deal.

Simply curious - are you an attorney in family court? I only ask because I’ve been there and have also observed the experiences of friends and colleagues - no one ever had more than one or at the most two attorneys unless they weren’t paying or were plain old batshit. So I am surprised to hear this is the norm. Can

I mean, anything is possible, but 15-16 seems to indicate some level of unreasonablness on the part of the mom to say the least,

I am not trying to start a shit show - this judge’s behavior is NOT ok - but if the mother is truly on her 15th or 16th attorney, she is also not ok and it is therefore, to me, completely believable that she practiced some sort of parental alienation with those kids.

I met her in person (at her Maximize Your Life event) and she was lovely, very kind and friendly. Something she spoke about really resonated with me, and when I told her and got a bit teary, she cried also and hugged me like three times. The Biggest Loser is shit but she’s a good-hearted person.

I do realize there are still products out there that she signed to endorse in the past but she really has turned her back on the whole “Biggest Loser” thing - I saw her Maximize Your Life tour and it was motivational but also totally reasonable. I agree with you that detoxes are BS and I am not saying she’s without

Because she has exercise videos you can do in half an hour she should be ashamed? I’m honestly confused.

Applause on that one - excellent.

Didn’t realize things had gotten so rough for Billy Joel that he’s tending bar now.

“Please show me that person, because I will sit at their knee and I will learn from them.”

I had a cat who would regularly hop into a window by the front door at 4:55 PM to wait for my mom (the keeper of the can opener) to arrive home from work. He never, every did it on the weekend, even if she wasn’t home. Only M-F. Amazing.

Of course I have - for months on end until a night I wasn’t - then I picked it right back up the next day...for months on end again. An alcoholic who’s been sober for a week is sober. Note I never said my seven years of vegetarianism were continguous. But feel free to carry on with your passive aggression as long as