Old Man Who Barks a Lot

I love this story.

Thank you. Please download and use for your own needs.

Thank you. Please download and use for your own needs.

I have loved this running gag through the entire season.

Please take this as a token of appreciation.

Can I borrow this?

Oh, don’t give me credit. I may have heard it somewhere. I just love the way that turn of phrase works for this film.

As a striaght, white, liberal male, I have so many conflicted feelings about this.

I’m a tactical person. I watch it to catch every edit in a scene that is stitched together in a way that feels fluid.

How about just an eyepatch, and a comment that it “looks worse than it is.”

Sure it does. In fact, sometimes an appreciation of an art form can’t be done with the generation that experiences it.

And to extend that idea. I am roughly 10 year older than Peter Quill in the movie, and the songs in that tape are part of my childhood.

Done well, yes.

That completely explains why every comment to you overwhelmingly disagrees with you.

Sorry for your lack of taste.

I’m on the fence here as well. I enjoyed the first season of the show.

Thank you for not mocking the obvious spelling error.

...or go for a walk, trip into a hole, and starve fore 2 weeks.