Old Man Who Barks a Lot

OH, totally my bad. I thought you were asking to get Christoph Waltz.

Cristoph Waltz was in Big Eyes, and is in S.P.E.C.T.R.E.

Astronaut Mark Watney is a foul-mouthed genius, and I am taking my pre-teen kids to his movie because after hearing the audiobook on a trip this summer, they begged me.

My Daughter loves this one.

Dear The Dome,

True story: Everyone in the audience applauded the first time I saw this movie. It’s that good.

Now playing

The first trailer I saw for the film was the entire opening sequence from sunrise to Title screen.

Excellent article. I’m bookmarking it for future reference.

OH you don’t. Bill Maher is insufferable, and the smuggest of smug asshats.

I didn’t start watching until 2006 or so. Welcome friend.

Put Spock in that photo, and you’ve described my daughter’s feelings.

I get it.

Love me some Feral Kid.

Harlan Ellison: Angry Candy.

I have a hard time recommending these to anyone I do not know well.

Thanks for the perspective.

Funny, I know exactly what you are talking about. You see, I look very much like the description of the first commenter, and we get it in both directions: we get the white people who want to tell us how aweful it is that “those people” are moving into our neighborhood.

You won’t need to know anything to start with 4.

Wait, they are going to make a new Captain Carrot comic?