
I was thinking it would have been cool if Mace WAS Captain America in this reality.

I have to give them a lot of credit for not making any subplots go on too long or feel stale. That LMD-May plot could've been awful, and it turned out great. On the CW that plot would've lasted all the way to the season finale.

I need to go FASTER so I can save my lifeless relationship with the one character who I have zero chemistry!

I half expected him to show up in meeting scene.

Raina unlikely as the actress has moved on. Plus I think it's been mentioned that Raina died during experiments on Inhumans.

I definitely think there's nothing stopping AoS from resolving Agent Carter's plots.

No, they've said their will be cameos. They've also said a few threads from season 1 will be picked up.

Either a hero's death or a way to live the real world.

Good to know that Aida is feeding Star Wars to The Framework. Probably earlier than release dates, too.

Well, I'm guessing Ghost Rider will be how they finally get rid of the Darkhold. That's still out there.

Yeah I'd say the biggest roadblock to them coming back is that they've moved on to other commitments. They can't just hang around hoping for AoS to call.

Right. All the Avengers could easily just not exist in The Framework. There doesn't need to be a tight continuity; the entire landscape and "past" is constantly under revision.

Now that the exit has been removed by Aida, I think you have to assume that Radcliffe and Agnes are the keys to getting out.

It's not the best show but it doesn't have nearly the pacing issues that Luke Cage had.

Well, it's a bit disappointing that they couldn't manage to tell compelling spy stories before the big Winter Soldier status quo change.

The need to a big bad and a single arc to the season is bizarre. I can only imagine that it's done for the sake of convenience and laziness.

No. Clearly Jesse was explaining to Iris the science of how diamonds are forged, in an unsubtle endorsement of women in the STEM professions. *the more you know*

Yeah the "sexism" charge is dumb. It's pretty clear that Joe's motivation is just to feel included. He's a little more important than the rest of Team Flash.

Or Barry's a moron and didn't notice it the first time.

What's really amazing is that in very limited screen time Patty, Linda and even Caitlin made for more compelling girlfriends.