
If you have the ability to download books onto your Kindle, you probably can avoid library fines by renewing your books online which has SAVED MY LIFE. I'm pretty sure there is a branch library somewhere in my city which was entirely funded by my library fines in the past but NOT ANYMORE

Japanese is full of homonyms, in addition to the kanji at that link, there are a number of others with the reading "kuu". Among other things, kuu is also onomatopoeia for zzzzz as in snoring.

Fact: The Battle of New Orleans was written by Jimmy Driftwood, who started writing songs during his teaching career to teach his students history and unnecessary violence towards alligators in an entertaining manner.

I am slightly troubled that the little boy is the only child in the McDonaldland. He is however, almost as creepy as the characters.

"the writer has to resort to using a primitive emoticon, making a frowny face out of a colon and a parenthesis"

While I appreciate that they included both white and black models, I really like the series 100 years of beauty using woman from around the world

Natasha Lyonne pretty much made that same face all through But I'm A Cheerleader. A movie I loved, I'm not complaining—just observing.

"crunchy, chewable, suckable guilty pleasures"

My daughters loved the books and we started watching the series but sadly it did not measure up in any way. It's been a while since we tried watching it, but I think there were so many differences they were just frustrated and annoyed

I prefer to encourage them to watch the original Japanese with subtitles, so they can smugly say "oh, I already watched that when it first came out in Japan"


Vagina Dentata! What a wonderful phrase

When I had my first job years ago at Arby's, the manager seemed particularly proud that "unlike McDonald's, Arby's has real dairy in their milkshakes." (I put quotes around that as if it is verbatim, but it probably isn't)

Never mind, actually I do

I was going to post "Man, now I kinda want a Big Mac" and then I watched the video completely through and no, I do not.

Ohhhh…TUNG oil!