Raisin Gran

The AVClub: constantly, repeatedly asks for this

It’s so incredibly obvious it was on purpose. Nothing about it is natural. His first reply when she “misinterprets” him saying “on you” is just to repeat it. Nobody would do that - they’d say “The show called You” or something. Or she’d say “what do you mean” or something along those lines. On the very low chance it

I feel this says a lot more about you than it does about Gadsby and Nanette. Yikes, pal.

1 second...Kathryn Hahn ISN’T Jewish?

More like Tod Browning’s Freaks, whenever I find out someone I like is actually jewish I’m like ONE OF US ONE OF US

. . . I hope you get banned for this.

Thanks for that video dm that helped put alot of things into perspective – Bekah , Birmingham , United Kingdom, June 2015

I’ll wait for the sequel, We’s All That.

Ooh, They’re All That. Theydies and gentlethem, start your engines.

Just got a weird notification I’ve never seen before, it said “The A.V. Club started following you”. Now I get what I means. It is possible to get ungreyed permanently folks!

This is what happens when you can no longer hire Jeffrey Tambor.

A guy who made low-key asshole his shtick for like 40 years is also an asshole in real life? Fetch my fainting salts.

Spoiler Alert:

Hey, we all fawned over the childrens choir cover of Creep ten years ago. It’s all cyclical, baby; in twenty years you’ll be complaining about contemporary music on the collective neuralNet.

I’m sorry, but you have to be extremely ignorant and lack common sense if you think it’s okay to hold a sign like that out in front of the race like that.

I’m not sure she needs to be sued, but she should at least pay a hefty fine for it.

you can’t sue people for being people

...but you can’t sue people for being people.

Sure, but look how sad she looked though.

In response to Alton Sterling’s death (a black man killed by police), Mischa posted on Instagram how American society needs to change. She accompanied this statement with a picture of her on a yacht, in a bikini, holding a drink.

She raped him a couple of episodes ago but he’s the piece of shit? Please explain your rationale for this, I’d love to hear it.