Raisin Gran

On a previous article I compared the green suit to something I saw on a Disney Channel sitcom, and somebody else said it looks like they are costumed for a sketch parody of an actual movie.

good god do the costumes/makeup in that still look atrocious.

Did you intend to sound like a deaf asshole who cannot read?

Huh? Try reading the article next time.

Unfortunately for Radcliffe, he’s one of Rowling’s horcruxes.  

I think the coincidence of Eve happening upon all this at just the right time kind of felt sloppy, cramming two important character moments both Eve and Villanelle had with Dasha into one scene.

i was surprised they made his daughter a sociopath

Yes, spending the day image-searching gay actresses is a terrible job, but I guess somebody has to do it...

I know it probably has nothing to do with anything, but the slam-on chapter & location titles have gotten a little loosey-goosey these last two episodes.

Fucking Niko.

James Corden really does need to release a version of the inflatable punch clown with his face on it because that’s what he’s become.

I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a promotional photo from a movie that more clearly says “this is a bad movie” than the one at the top of this review.

So, you’re saying that if we REALLY want a Hanna-Barbera shared universe, we should just go and watch Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law again?

Can do!

So, the prize for throwing shit was a fan...

Crystal was robbed. That look was incredible camp, and could have won on sheer audacity alone. Gigi should definitely been bottom two, but we all know that’s never going to happen.

You can cancel Megan Mullaly’s show twice, but nothing’s gonna keep her off NBC’s Thursday lineup.

I really appreciated the show undercutting its traditional “draw out the Eve-Villanelle meeting and play it up as a huge, sexy moment” play. Eve’s on a bus, then Villanelle is there. Genuinely caught me by surprise.