
I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Oh, Scully's keeping Miller away from Einstein and Mulder's keeping Einstein away from Miller? There's got to be some crazy plan they're both in on, right?

This would almost be interesting if I had ANY idea who these people are.

Again, though - it's fiction. It's not meant to be an entirely accurate portrayal.

Good to read. I tried this out the other night, and thought it was pretty terrible. He seems like a genuinely nice guy, but try as I might, I just don't find Aziz Ansari funny or insightful. Yet everyone keeps insisting he is, so…I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and go back and watch a few more. With

Wow. That headline made it past a few people, and no-one said anything.

Is it just me, or does the chorus of "Perfect" sound uncannily similar to Taylor Swift's "Style?"



No offense, but I roundly object to the ideas that A) she founded her career ripping off the gay underground and B) that that's a consensus opinion. She didn't "rip off" any scene, she was simply a part of it. It was her milieu.

Well, it has "What it feels like for a girl." Which I consider the best thing she's done so far this century.

I thought "Hard Candy" was easily her best album since "Music," myself. Or at least it could've been - it was chock full of great songs felled by some truly atrocious mixing decisions, especially on the Timbaland tracks. All the bass was completely overloaded and fully in the red, which made her vocals sound just

Hold it, hold it, hold it - "That song?" THAT SONG?

Don't forget Big Star, Cheap Trick, Shoes, The Raspberries, The Cars, The Resonars, and 20/20. And probably dozens of others, actually…

Yeah, I was thinking that the whole song sounds Frankensteined from three, maybe four good parts that just don't organically connect at all. Or maybe that they wrote a great chorus and threw a bunch of "this'll do" around it. Terrific harmonies, though.

You do a lotta acid, Miller? Back in the hippie days?