
I’ve been asking questions. I support a progressive corrections policy and I support the decision of the judge. It seems like the commenters here don’t have any substantial objections to the judge’s ruling, and would prefer a corrections systems based on punishment and not rehabilitation. It all seems very


I support a progressive justice policy so I’m a troll. On Jezebel! LOL.

Because I support a progressive corrections policy? Let me guess, you would rather have him executed. How progressive!

Have fun with your medieval Republican bullshit.

I can’t find any legal flaws in the judge’s decision. What have you come up with?

I’m not sure how I have upset you. I am in favor of a progressive corrections policy.

What reason to you have to doubt the judge’s ruling? You seem to not know anything about South African law. So... It seems more like you are emotional about the decision and don’t have a substantial objection.

Do you know anything about the South African legal system? I find it really strange you would doubt the competency of a female judge on Jezebel.

I guess we have different ideas of how to punish criminals. I prefer the Norwegian system that focuses on rehabilitation. It sounds like you prefer some sort of torture in a medieval dungeon. This isn’t a bad idea, it’s just very far from progressive and I don’t expect to see such right-wing views on this site.

This is crazy town. I’m a troll because I support a progressive justice policy? Y’all sound like Republicans around here right now.

So? The judge is a woman as well. You seem to imply she is a bad woman because this trained judge has come to a different legal decision than you have. With all due respect, maybe you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about because you aren’t a south african judge.

You would like to copy Republican corrections policy? Again, that’s not very progressive.

“Probably” isn’t “beyond a reasonable doubt”

It sounds like you want to focus more on punishment than rehabilitation. That’s not very progressive. That’s straight out of the Republican playbook.

I am. I thought we favored progressive options around here. A liberal corrections policy focuses more on rehabilitation than punishment. Look at Norway!

Six years is way too much. This isn’t the dark ages - an enlightened society focuses on rehabilitation and not the animal-instinct for revenge. We are better than that. I hope he is treated well in prison too.

Six years is too much. Yes, it was a horrible crime. However, the progressive thing to do is to focus on rehabilitation, and not punishment. He should be treated very well in prison, so that when he comes out, he has been rehabilitated and will obey the law for the rest of his life. We are not barbarians who crave an

LOL Angry sexist loser Bernier Bros... Learn the basics of politics... Clinton will get shit done... She has experience... She knows the game!

Haha! No! Trump will win because of arrogant sexist Bernie Bros who think they are so much more enlightened than anyone else when in reality they are stupid immature children who are having a tantrum! Clinton is the only choice! She gets shit done!