It sounds like you want to focus more on punishment than rehabilitation. That’s not very progressive. That’s straight out of the Republican playbook.
It sounds like you want to focus more on punishment than rehabilitation. That’s not very progressive. That’s straight out of the Republican playbook.
I am. I thought we favored progressive options around here. A liberal corrections policy focuses more on rehabilitation than punishment. Look at Norway!
Six years is way too much. This isn’t the dark ages - an enlightened society focuses on rehabilitation and not the animal-instinct for revenge. We are better than that. I hope he is treated well in prison too.
Six years is too much. Yes, it was a horrible crime. However, the progressive thing to do is to focus on rehabilitation, and not punishment. He should be treated very well in prison, so that when he comes out, he has been rehabilitated and will obey the law for the rest of his life. We are not barbarians who crave an…
LOL Angry sexist loser Bernier Bros... Learn the basics of politics... Clinton will get shit done... She has experience... She knows the game!
Haha! No! Trump will win because of arrogant sexist Bernie Bros who think they are so much more enlightened than anyone else when in reality they are stupid immature children who are having a tantrum! Clinton is the only choice! She gets shit done!
Another butt-hurt Bernie Bro! You lost! Get over it! It’s Hillary’s time! Bernie and his bros need to get over themselves (but not really because we’re already preparing to blame Bernie if Clinton loses). You are an ignorant child!
We like to compare Republicans to Nazis. Try and keep up, dear.
You go girl!
You know calling Trump a Nazi is even dumber than thinking Obama is a Muslim, right?
Stop with the Hitler and Nazi comparisons. You’re embarrassing yourself.
“Mechanical wave”? Please! It’s a Nazi salute. There’s no doubt about this. We know because Republicans are Nazis and Donald Trump is Hitler.