
"The show's hands are tied by the people running the MCU, "

Dollhouse and SHIELD are both shows that underwhelmed, but the most noticeable difference between them is the quality of the the cast. Even on a bad episode of Dollhouse you'd still see some amazing performances by the Actors (not in quotes), but with SHIELD then so many times these "actors" (yes, in quotes) would be

This show just makes me feel bad for Diggle.
- Originally set up as his "Alfred" but the popularity of Felicity got her cast full time so she's the one on comms and intel.

I think the reason Moffat gets so much more blame than Gatiss is because of what he's done with Doctor Who. Both Doctor Who and Sherlock seem to suffer from the same problem where they are trying so hard to make the Doctor "cool" by being overtly weird (fish pudding, fez's etc) and it feels like he dragged in that

I'm sick of sympathetic backstories for bad guys. Can't a bad guy just be a bad guy with bad guy intentions?

I agree completely with the storytelling issues early in the season, but I still feel that the biggest issue is the cast. Even though Dollhouse ended up being a dud, it had an amazingly underrated and versatile cast that would've been great as SHIELD agents.

I agree 250,001%. Amy Acker is physically very pretty but what sets her over the top is that she's actually a very underrated actress that excels in playing quirky and disturbed characters. She's exactly the edge that is missing from this dull show…

Isnt this exactly the problem with this show? It's supposed to be about "The Agents of SHIELD" but instead it is about a splinter group that is realizing that the bad guys is the organization in the show's title.

Stupid Question: If Emily doesn't want to actually Kill the Greysons then what is stopping Emily from just revealing everything to the authorities?

"the fun-to-frustration ratio is shifting to frustration for me."

Its funny when you think of how we all individually had a collective positive opinion about a SHIELD TV show.

Agent Climb Rockwall

As much as AVC readers like to participate in fun/intelligent discussion of shows they watch, an overwhelmingly large portion of the SHIELD audience watches for two reasons.

The biggest problem with Skye comes right down to the actress. Chloe Bennet is just too young and pretty for the role to have any weight. But imagine the Skye character in the hands of Amy Acker. She's pretty, but not too pretty. She's capable of handling tech jargon without sounding like she memorized it. She's

The problem with Revenge is that Victoria became the ONLY significant enemy.

They really need to add in an audible >BAMF< every time Charlotte enters/exits a scene. She seems to appear in the most random scenes to deliver a single line and then storm off screen to teleport back to the tavern.

I'm with you on that. The regeneration was such a letdown because he appropriately went out with a bang, but then for no reason they brought him back as young Matt Smith (seemingly) for the ladies so he can have a handsome and nostalgic goodbye.

I think a major problem with reviews being rushed to post is that people are speaking out of emotion rather than logic. Sure, they plugged some lingering plot holes but do these explanations really make sense or is it just a giant eraser.

But isn't that exactly what's wrong with the show? The Grayson's are the badguys but since they turned the "bad guys" into the main cast then there are absolutely no stakes.

Anyone itching for Hook and Pan in a Neverland spinoff Prequel Show?