
No, please don't happen. You know what would be really cool? Warcraft IV. That's what would be really cool. I don't want more fucking WoW.

Lets look at the past 2 years worth of champs and see which ones were 'OP' at launch, shall we?

so does fantasy flight automatically = good?

Looks like they've completely lost any of the Star Trek/Alien vibe from Mass Effect 1 and gone full Halo. Who's impressesd by this nonsense? I feel bad for all the artists that waste their careers coming up with slight variations on the Robocop/Space Marine outfit. Does anybody look at these outfits and instantly say


I gotta know about the multiplayer. ME3's multiplayer was the best surprise of the year, and I can only hope the follow-up will be even better.

Oh wow. An urban horror/fantasy game that's almost definitely going to be populated by tumblr-grade, vaguely homophobic Yaoi romance plotlines and shitty MMO quest design.

I'm amazed at how little this looks like something on a SNES.


If I wanted to watch two hairy dudes get wet, I would have opened an incognito tab.

This is the waterslide-video equivalent of blue balls with its cameras facing every direction but the direction I wanted to see. If I wanted to watch two hairy dudes get wet, I would have opened an incognito tab.

Half-Life 3 confirmed.