.......you rule, Queen of Quality Quarks! And a Social Conscience, to boot!.......OT: Have you seen “The Painted Veil”?
.......you rule, Queen of Quality Quarks! And a Social Conscience, to boot!.......OT: Have you seen “The Painted Veil”?
....Hubby wanted to name the child Zirconia Turmoil, but Alanis wasn’t having it.....
ANNA: “Thanks! I borrowed it from your Dad”
.........just be glad you spared Mofie the hell of living with Margaret......
......Oh? .....Did you include yourself in “the countless tiresome people before you”?........
.....lol.....Girl actually did a little research.......good 4 her.....
.....lol......DeerLady: “Sigh, ok, I was in the other room fisting......all day at work, I’d been thinking, ‘when I get home, I’m gonna fist, and then the bread pudding!’ I come out the room and that Bitch Auntie ate my pudding!!”
......clearly, “No means no” still has a lot of work to do......
....lol.....I was thinking, “Clearly, his dick ain’t all that”......
....I’d settle for Downton.....
......I thought it was Hillary’s fault......
..... “Henry Fonda and Daniel Day-Lewis were fine, but the one actor who truly got into Lincoln’s head was John Wilkes Booth” ......too soon?
......nah, she’s just a raving loon.....
....... “Mourning was a fine art” - Miss Manners concurs.........
.....Thank goodness he has Isobel to tend him!.....
.....Even a blind pig, with or without lipstick, can snout a truffle......
......lolol......just teasing!.....
.....he gonna dig it up and pry it off her cold dead hand......?
.....Merci....tres gentille!!
....Mo’Nique, Margot Martindale, Octavia Spencer, Rebel Wilson in a thong......