Actually...I know a lot of people that enjoy this show as a guilty pleasure.
Actually...I know a lot of people that enjoy this show as a guilty pleasure.
To this day, the scene where the President’s Wife is about to die, and she looks straight up and whispers “The Nancy Reagan Chandelier” before it crushes her always makes me laugh.
Eh...Its not the first time they’ve done music week, so I’ll give them a pass. They’ve also done a good job of bringing the show into the 20's (haha) even if I swear Drew got that jacket from Bob’s closet.
Eh, Call me when they produce this one.
I’m with you.
I agree that the taxes are pretty ridiculous, but one change that has helped in recent years is when the show gives away a car and“a year of housekeeping/pizza/wine” etc; along with certain trips. These are awarded as cash and the total tax can be taken out of the cash off the top.
I’m not a huge fan of the office...anymore.
I thought i was the only one. I don’t hate it...but it’s just not doing it for me.
Review aside- I’m so sick of “Homer and Marge’s marriage is in trouble” episodes. We get it.
Yep. Saw them in Montreal a few years back at the big open air parc downtown. Amazing show. But good lord, this last album...ehhh...
Mary Tyler More Tyler Moore Moore Moore
Arigato Hey!
I thought I was the only one that disliked Taco! Thank you.
God I miss that show. It was a lot better than i remembered it.
Watching parks and rec- again. I need something fun and that gives me hope again...
Some wonderful soul has posted all the episodes on youtube. It makes great background noise. KOH was a great show, no doubt. But its latter day seasons are less enjoyable than i remembered and it’s a crime how they changed some of the characters.
Honestly, I don’t think anyone could screw something up that badly.
I always gathered that there was a mutual respect and admiration between the two of them. I love the ones where Jodie (rightfully so) calls daria out on things.
Get that cat out of the way!