The mens division has no T limit. She’s free to compete there.
The mens division has no T limit. She’s free to compete there.
My times don’t come remotely close either. Does that mean I’m not a man?
She is a woman by every definition
What test should they use then? Really, tell me what bright line you would draw!
Why? If Bruce Jenner were 18 today, and lived as a woman, would you think he should be able to compete as one?
If they had separate classes for gymnasts under 5' and over, then sure.
Because people who have high T compete in a different class than people with low T. If she was a boxer and wanted to compete as a flyweight instead of as a heavyweight would you say they should make an exception?
Yup. No one here is trying to stop her from using whichever bathroom she chooses. That impacts no one but her. But she doesn’t have to run. She just wants to. That means she has to live by the rules (which exist to allow fair competition.)
I’m not sure you understand. You keep saying we don’t know if she isnt cis. We also don’t know she is. We do know that she underwent extensive medical tests, and as a result of those tests was required to undergo hormone treatments if she wanted to continue competing. That’s much stronger evidence for her not being…
Bringing up Harrison Bergeron is disingenuous. We divide men and women in most sports because otherwise women couldn’t compete. The question is where Caster belongs. No one here is questioning her right to choose which bathroom she uses. But unless there are rules separating male and female competitors, you will…
BaneKitty is entirely correct.
What makes a woman a woman?
You might also like this where Maria José Martínez-Patiño (who was blocked from competing in 88 talks about why she is in favor of the now suspended rules.
You need to reread it. The article was written well before the Olympics. The “probably” refers to “likely winners” not “likely intersex”.
Sure, and if you read the article, you’d see that they allowed for that. Those women would in fact be able to compete without issue.
I’m not sure how you can claim that we should both respect Caster’s privacy and announce any facts we have. Caster underwent extensive medical testing. The regulatory bodies have the results of those tests. Because of those tests, she was forced to undergo treatment in order to compete (until the Chand case result.)…
How do you know that?
So you’re saying that women and men should compete in the same division?
She’s not required to race. So they aren’t forcing her to change her biology.
From an interview published well before the Olympics: