
And people are still blaming what happened to those innocent people on mental illness. White people must be humanized at all costs. Notice that when the police found him, they gave him a vest and didn’t handcuff him. The life of a white man who kills black people has value but the life of a black child who holds a

stiiiiiillll in love with her. But she’s kinda wimpy this season. I like cute rockabilly drug-lord Alex.

the “ask me three times” scene is by far the best acting of the season.
and it was a great season - entertaining and full of backstory - but I am wanting more.

Healy gives me an INSANE amount of heebie jeebies. I am literally skeeved out when I hear his voice. From his mangling of of SoSo’s treatment to thinking that calling a woman a “dumb bitch” was joking, I just cannot put him and Red together.

Yeah, I could really see Piper as MCC: Profits over people.

Of all the backstories, I think Doggett’s was the most effective, if the most harrowing. I never had much compassion for her before this season. Taryn Manning was amazing, and I really liked the burgeoning friendship with Boo.

They were just like little sea otters.

1. Thanks be to Allah that Larry is gone for good.


One time, when I was in high school, we went to try on prom dresses at the mall. I tried on this Ugly green one just because it was so ugly....and when I put it on, I got stuck in it. Straight up my Boobs would not come out after I had stuffed them in there. I called one of my friends in the dressing room and she

Show / tell me something funny please I’ve have a GARBAGE day and I need laughs.