
Leader of GamerGate here. I would love the FBI to investigate and be very public about the results of their investigation. This will be the biggest victory for GamerGate and will end this whole debacle fairly quickly. I'm not being sarcastic here.

As The Leader, I would like to extend my dearest thanks to shit media

All Anita's arguments regarding the shape and visuals of female characters are rendered moot when one considers that she thought the white bird in Angry Birds, the one that lays eggs was a male, until they changed her design. She is a person who definitely needs femininity expressly portrayed to her, or she will claim

Yeah, that's the narrative you and your friends push. Calling gamers "dead, white misogynist ISIS gamerbro Nazis" and wonder why they are portrayed like that in the media? GamerGate escalated PRECISELY because of the demonization of gamers that ultimately lead to this episode. Every site who ran a "gamers are dead" is

I can't speak for the motivations of the mentally challenged who wrote the episode - mind you, I judge their mental capacity by the quality of the dialogue, not the topic. However, #GamerGate laughed with the episode. It's so bad, it's hilarious! Most of the salt comes from those against GG, so you can draw your

She said on Twitter she's uncomfortable with connecting this to GamerGate, considering there is no reason to make such claims.

The punishment for apostasy in Islam is death. Muslims know this and if you ask them this question (like Darwin brilliantly shows on youtube), they cannot answer this question. They are so uncomfortable with what their religion teaches, but they know they may be killed if they leave. Asking that question is how you

The point of her videos is to colonize the creativity of game designers, artists and writers with the feminist agenda. The same critique has been done before by the religious right and we ridiculed them then. Now we find ourselves ridiculing the religious left, namely Anita and her "Listen and Believe".

Sounds like a great feminist to me - one that is educated and actually cares for solving women's issues instead of yapping about what victims they are. Yes, the wage gap is caused mainly by women, the choices they make, the colleges they go to, the lack of competitive spirit, etc. etc. It's a 90 pages document on the

Anita Sarkeesian's entire series on games is one huge, giant lie by omission. Having played the majority of games she criticizes, and she consistently misrepresents every single game (Super Mario excluded, she's projecting her ideology there) to make her point.

Constructive criticism always improves art. However, there are a few things that make a constructive critique - first and foremost, you have to explain why what you're critiquing is wrong. Here, your ideology is irrelevant. Second, you have to propose a solution. If you don't have a solution, you're just bitching and

There will never be one correct way to create any art about anything. This diversity is the driving force behind art, games included. If somebody wants to ridicule modern warfare, they can do it. By all means - go for it. Yes, tackling such a topic and ridiculing it will require a lot of effort to pull off well, but

Right before this article was written, mailing lists and a ton of other evidence was leaked, exposing the whole of gaming media conspiring to keep up the feminist agenda in games. Nathan Grayson (who writes for Kotaku) admitted guilt, which confirms it all. Before his tweet, all we had is a bunch of screenshots that

Jordan and Aurini said in their video that Anita had called for threats earlier this year, but had nothing of her recently.

Great reply to your being exposed for conspiring with all the gaming media to keep it a feminist hugbox. Yeah, Nathan admitted that to be true, so good on you. Really, you've had this e-mail for half a year and did nothing and only now, when all your conspiracy shit is released you decide to do something about it?


No game can satisfy everyone. The effect of the player's actions on the environment are best shown in some strategy games. In action games, you are but one person and one person cannot genocide a species.

Time for a fun, semi-related story. When Eidos was making Tomb Raider 1, they decided to make the game focus more on the killing of ferocious animals rather than people. They did that for moral reasons and to make the few human deaths in the game have more weight. However, due to the technical limitations, all animals

I'm assuming it is just a cheap way to add more content. Just reskin the bears from AC III, and put them in this game.

When making games, developers should only care about making a good game. It should be none of their concern what some non-gamers may think. What I think would be great is if gamers, Kotaku included, would stop validating these non-gamers.