
Who said I don't do that? Hey, I'm not a person who would say that men are awesome and women are inferior. However women aren't weak. Not only that but from everything I see, the situation in the west is very unstable. I have to be careful to tell a woman she is pretty, or I could be harassing her. This is

I do that. However, a woman is my mother. She is an awesome mother. A woman is my sister. She is a great sister. A woman is my love interest. She is awesome. A woman is a bitch to me. Also a man is being a bitch to me. I can't help but treat women as women, from my point of view. However, there are far too many women

That link is absolutely retarded. The whole site seems to be horribly malformed. In the AC: Unity case, there was never an intention to have female playable characters. There was never an intention to have the player play anyone other than Arno. At no point in the game will the player have the option to pick a

I just had a conversation with a man whose wife divorced him and practically stole his child, after cheating on him with a richer man, with whom she now lives. Honestly, nobody can convince me that today, women are not equal to men. The gender issues are much more complex now than men vs women, and oh women are

We read different feminist propaganda then. Bear in mind that I absolutely agree with you - women have consistently been influential through history. That is in the history, written by historians. What I've seen feminists argue is that the patriarchy has ruled over all of humanity in the past 90, 000 years, keeping

Hey, at least you got your Duke Nukem! Sure it stinks, but the wait is at least over. Do you know the ending to Beyond Good & Evil even? If you know it, and have seen the one and only trailer they have shown, you'd see that GOD DAMN I MUST PLAY IT! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO PEYJ!

If this is true... then it makes a whole lot of sense to cut out female assassins due to budget restraints.

I honestly would have loved it more if this game featured a female protagonist, however... the "gender equality" voice on the internet vastly disagrees with you on the female role in this time. To internet feminists, women were only good for washing clothes during this era. The extrapolation that can be made from

I honestly liked the "developing female assassins is too costly" excuse better. I know the time it takes to design a character, build a model with just PERFECT topography, then build assets for this model, make sure it doesn't break constantly... It is a time consuming thing, and nobody wants half-assed characters in

I... don't know what to say. Modern western feminists actively propagate the idea that through history, women have done nothing but be objects that belong to men. That's not true, but that is the impression I get from modern western feminists. That women have always been stripped of any agency and only now it is

It has been 11 years already! And what, the second game was teased 3 years ago, about the now current gen?

I sincerely think that we should move in the direction that Joss Whedon says - that the people, who are against this personal freedom to be your own person, and not be held to a standard defined by society 500 years ago, should be the one called -ists. His idea is not that feminists should change their label because

Now playing

I explained it - Wildstar is a cartoony game. For the males the exaggerate masculinity, where for the females they exaggerate femininity. My point in the conversation is generally very simple - artists should be left to do as they please. They should be given complete freedom. Everything should be okay to do. If they

In modern society, even our bad guys have to be held to the standard of general moral goodness - they cannot be racists, sexists, homophobes or hate on any religion in particular. That's what Hitler did.

This game has a potential. A fucking potential. And I really hope it lives up to it.

It was such a different game. It's good, I really liked Tomb Raider. But the lack of puzzles was disappointing. Had that game focused more on solving puzzles, had it had the puzzle complexity of Tomb Raider 4 for example, it would have been completely amazing... but I don't think a game like TR4 can be made today.

He said "in a decade" and arguably, it is. But Tomb Raider 4 was released like 16 years ago. :p

I actually had enough of an interest in the article that you mentioned only to discover that it costs $35 to read. The abstract is not satisfactory to me, to consider that a scientific anything. I need the details to make any judgments.

I'm guessing they're calling it Mirror's Edge for now just to clarify that the franchise will make an appearance on E3. They don't want to reveal anything, including whether or not the game is Mirror's Edge 2, or a prequel, or a reboot.

Well, considering that it's called Mirror's Edge, I won't be surprised if it is some kind of a reboot. Now with 100% more Mary Sue, since this game has Anita Sarkeesian somewhere in the team doing something.