
Look at this piece of shit with the baggie pants leave the scene.  THIS folks, is why white people hate you.

They didn’t shoot me over the weekend.  Of course I wasn’t a fucking idiot like dead dude so... will he really be missed if he’s trollin around with a gun on his lap?  No

You are a fucking idiot.  None of those people woke up that day hoping to kill this guy.  Why would they?  In todays world it will negatively affect their career even if it’s justified like it was here.  You are a fucking idiot.

Cuz they keep hiring stupid assholes like this dude who do shit like fall asleep with a gun in their lap

I knew you were black just by reading the headline

Yes - thank god for you since nobody has google

wait, youy forgot to blame whitey!

funny people are just now realizing he’s a piece of shit

cuz he’s a dipshit?

Why would you believe any of this?  Only because it matches your liberal narrative.  This fucking idiot is clearly lying and trying to get his last 15 minutes of attention but you’re too fucking stupid to realize it.

As a man who adores women I beg Rebecca Ferguson to empower herself and sit on my face.  She can stay there for an hour if she wants.

spent many quarters on that game - yes I am old :)

if you knew anything about basic economics you’d know the market will determine their worth and it obviously isn’t as high as their agents, them, or morons like you seem to think.

We see racism actually.  For instance, you’re a huge fucking racist and every single thing you “write” says as much.  You have never been a slave asshole, and never will be.  Move the fuck on.

lol - he will be an art history or other worthless major just like most of you democrat cunts who do nothing but whine non stop

And nothing you cunts have done has changed anything in regards to safety for school children or otherwise.  And you’ve got 6 more years of Trump in the whitehouse lol

I bet he can’t spell his own name 

This whore has about as much talent as Kaepernick so it makes sense she’d make him an issue.  Clue to her, and you, nobody wants to see her perform in ANY halftime show.  People like you think she’s actually talented, you’re a douche.

s opposed to all the other famous people you actually “know”? You’re a fucking douchecanoe

Is that zone playing well halfway through the season with no pressure on the line only to inevitably choke when it matters because he never wins shit?  Yep you’re spot on dumbass!