
Stephen King the guy with a monstrous coke habit? Maybe not the example you were looking for

Stephen King the guy with a monstrous coke habit? Maybe not the example you were looking for

12 mil to throw a baseball once a week

learn the difference between to and too you stupid fuck

They saw her last 2 fights?

let’s make things easy on you - nobody is beating Golden State

racist much? fuck

lol, is it a goal to be a serious politician? It sure shouldn’t be. The cunt Hildebeast was one, that didn’t do her very well :)

god not that - then he’ll be able to have sex and have fun. That’d show him!

if you read lezebel.com you’re probably a terrible wife. Pay attention to his needs once in awhile. And let’s do something about that 30 pounds you put on.

ooooh man = nothing more scary then some starbucks driveup suv driving soccer moms who love reading lezebel.com - ohhhh scarededed!

everyone knows actors are tough

Yes,Lebron, you’re also a huge flopper

this explains so much - none of you are catching dick on a regular basis - a bunch of 2's pissed off they’re not 7's

How about you actually know what the fuck you’re talking about? for once.

How about you actually know what the fuck you’re talking about? for once.

respects his rules but not nfl rules - interesting

Brady only gets the team into FG range on those drives, they needed more

Brady never gave up money, ever. It was just moved around. You dumb fucks who think he did are what’s wrong with society.

someone is jealous she’s not hot enough to get hired there