
Stop being so fucking sensitive about everything you whiny cunt

Maybe because he didn’t put himself in a situation to get busted like your hood ass

you deserve it every time - dumbfuck

Remember when you saw that female naked?

Anyone who doesn’t cry when Rudy gets on the field is a cunt

At certain levels of anything, politics, business, etc... being terrible is almost always a recipe for getting passed higher where you can do no real damage.

One of the best sports movies of all time - you’re a fucking moron

You lost us at being hot working for lezibel

No, assbag, he won’t be doing any stupid crime for 4 years.

Everyone has a Megan that ruined their life

learn to google you stupid cunt

This man clearly went to Med school

Greg Norman is the biggest cunt in history.

You mean senior tour - no way his body allows him to play at 50

The alternative is what I’d send

You’d actually need marketable talent not relished by a group of hairy legged lesbians

Could be worse he could work for deadspin

this “Writer” just did you moron that’s the entire purpose of this hack piece

And you just believe this as fact right?

1d fans are all 12 you stupid cunt