
I think Kris is entitled to an emotional reaction and has took this pretty well, considering. She can support Caitlyn and still be confused and sad about what is going on, it’s a huge life change. What bothers me about this situation is it seems like Caitlyn is running to the media saying how Kris was so mean to her

Sameish - my parents let me drink fairly heavily at family parties in my very early teen years - the first time I got drunk I think I had about 3 or 4 cosmopolitans. I was like 12 or 13? However, when I started going to parties in high school, I was familiar with how to handle my booze - though not perfect, at all,

Ummmm isn’t that a bit overpriced? I had a 1.4ish ct, flawless ring with a halo that was worth approx $12K. Could the blue diamonds be worth THAT much?

Perfectly said. Yeah, Kanye says some weird, off color stuff, but as far as I’ve read, nothing he’s said is overly offensive, and accounts of him off stage make him sound like a pretty nice guy. Plus, I believe he’s genuinely talented. Taylor is a product of someone who is genuinely talented at marketing. Her music is

Why doesn’t she put her purse down? Like why is she holding it?

What do they talk about when they’re alone?

She’s trying too hard to show that she DGAF.

GiGi why you look like Valentino?

Yeah, pregnant women NEVER complain! When my friends sighed because they wanted to drink but couldn’t, because they were pregnant, I made sure to point out what SELFISH bitches they were being.

When I heard this on the radio I thought it was a commercial. Worst.

This post makes me want to scratch my eyes out. ALKSDFJLAKSDJFLKJSA STUPID BASIC ASS QUOTES.

This is absolutely ridiculous. If she were a man, her sentence would have been MUCH harsher. Gender equality goes both ways.

He cheated, blamed the whole break up on me though...I didn’t find out until after I gave the ring back. It’s my only regret of the whole break up.

Let me preface the following by saying that miscarriage would probably be one of the hardest things to go through, and I sympathize so hard with those who have through it. I truly hope that every woman (and couple) who goes through this gets the support they need. There’s no right way to grieve through a situation

All of these are always yes.

My ex was totally grossed out at my period. He was 28 when we met.

I’ve had the same thing! I always drink my coffee black and multiple times at Starbucks I’ve ordered ‘Iced venti coffee - black’ and gotten the response ‘Would you like that sweetened or unsweetened?’....um no? I said black? Doesn’t black mean straight up coffee?

“...I have done slutty behavior myself.”

“According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism binge drinking is defined as a pattern of alcohol consumption that brings the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level to 0.08% or more. This pattern of drinking usually corresponds to 5 or more drinks on a single occasion for men or 4 or more drinks