
Man, I know the “fun at parties” line has become rote, but you are just trying so hard for it.

No, you’re just being a pretentious whiner

And according to 80s and 90s moms they would all just be called “Nintendo”.

God I love this game. And I’m only like 30-40 hours in and have barely scratched the story I am told. My son and I just love stalking dinosaurs and wandering around. I haven’t loved a game this much since Red Dead Redemption. Mass Effect is going to be sitting on a shelf for some time. 

Finally! I can’t believe they didn’t have a bulk buy option with release. I don’t think I’ve pressed a button so fast since the old Track and Field days on the NES!

Issues like malnutrition, dehydration, and your flesh beginning to bond with the fabric of your couch.

I can’t star this enough

I’ll assume you’re commenting in good faith despite your use of an awful buzzword like “identity politics,” so consider this: Lots of girls are taught that video games and game development are for men. Girls Make Games is an institution designed to teach girls that hey, they can play and make video games too, which

I was beginning to worry that I was aging out of hard video games, or that my life had gotten so stressful that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy challenging games anymore. Then I played HLD and remembered that there are games that are hard in the right way, that have a learning-curve instead of just a solid wall of

Commenting from Mom’s basement 2017:

You don’t understand that people want to play game with friends from the comfort of their own home/setup? lol.

Disney Infinity is the worst for this.

I found In Cold Blood horribly, dreadfully, painfully compelling, and now kind of want to read this manuscript for the same reason.

An old gutterpunk friend of mine refers to this as “spacebag” due to it’s shiny metallic surface.

what was the riesling behind piggybacking your joke off mine, jobu? were you just drawing a blanc?

and puked on the grass the following morning to fertilize the potato crop.

Wine is supposed to be drank out of a bag that’s ripped from a box, then passed around in a circle and shared.. “That’s Franzia, The Socialist’s Wine.”

You know what these guys really need? A $54,000 per year tax cut so that their conspicuously consumed dollars can trickle down to the 24 million who are soon to be without health insurance.  

“Where can I get some of that? Asking for a friend.”

Given all the hunger and suffering in today’s world, this is nothing short of terroirism.