LOL Winking Smiley face
LOL Winking Smiley face
The internet is bleeding into real life. The other day I got a postcard addressed @Some Lady on Internet and it read "#longtimenosee #wishyouwerehere"
If people are this interested on recouping the expenses of their weddings, they should just get it over with and start selling tickets.
I know a few who do. Not everyone can do chemical contraception or wants to have surgery.
Thank you for this. I've been making this same argument about the whole Paula Deen bullshit. I'm tired of people trying to reclaim this horrible word and pretend that it isn't awful, hurtful and vile. Also, this guy is a turd.
Cruelty and racism aren't mutually exclusive. You can be racist and exclusionary without actively being cruel to people of other races. And I'm tired of people being all "It's cause she's old/a little slow". She turned very little into a whole lot. It takes an intelligent woman to network and market themselves…
That "She's a product of her generation, yada yada yada" nonsense needs to stop. She's not trapped in a time-warp in 1968. The world has moved forward. Why do we make these excuses for people's bad behaviour just because they're old? Is it because we think they have lost their mental capacity? She's the head of a…
It's all good. It takes a while, we are used to listening to tone and using facial expressions to judge intent. Why do you think emoji were invented :)
Look through my comments above. I agree with you.
He keeps mentioning his girlfriend. I think it's pretty safe to assume he's mostly straight.
I never said it was alright that he said it because he was angry. I just said I can understand where he was coming from and in my response below to another comment, I bring up the race thing. I personally think no one should use the N-word, white or black ever. Whenever I see my friends calling each other "my…
Not for nothing, I agree with you on that. It brought to mind, for me as a black woman, every time someone uses a racial slur (eg; the whole Kramer debacle). But as every single white person in the world points out every time something like that happens "You can't hold that against them forever.". I am sympathetic…
He apologized for it in the original article :
From the original link :(Admittedly, throwing the legality of same sex marriage at them was wrong, I strongly believe in same sex couples rights to marry. I was mad, and lost my train of thought for a brief moment )
Also, lame.
Me too. And it would have been amazing.