
I do want it said and again and again how this has nothing to do with conventional politics. Trump isn’t just wrong or bad (or even primarily wrong or bad) because he’s a Republican. He’s bad because he’s just a shitty human being who just so happens to have hijacked politics.

In our town, Mexicans staff most of the restaurant kitchens, and construction companies, and cleaning companies, and landscaping companies, etc. No one complains when they pay less for any of these services. Yet this is a HIGHLY conservative, military/retirement community (which skews old and white), so there’s tons

“I almost got shot while clad in this raincoat.”

Nobody embraces deprecation better.

...and never recline my seat.

The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” ... “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we

Both good choices, along with books

There are two answers for the 6 month old:

Yes. Who’s to say that the President of the United States can’t exhibit a dangerous tendency towards government censorship?

And please, teach your children to stick up for kids getting bullied. Role-play with your kids so they can practice reacting to someone getting bullied instead of just standing by. Tell them it’s normal to want to ignore it and act like it’s “not their problem,” but tell them they can be better than that. Ask them who

I know, I’m half joking/half guilting all my friends and family who ask what I want for my birthday or what I want to do. I’m like, well....go vote for Hillary and I will be happy! Easiest gift in the world!

I had a dream last night where Hillary won (thank god!) and was magnanimous to the Hairy Cheeto in her victory speech.

She’s b-l-a-c-k.

Okay. I disagree with Daugherty on almost all of his policy positions, but kudos to him for this ad. Charming and positive. Here’s (reluctantly) hoping that people learn from this shitshow of an election and start making more positive, funny ads like this one.

Regular reminder that Darrell Issa is probably guilty of insurance fraud and should be in jail

Let’s be clear about something...

STILA All Day Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner in Black

STILA All Day Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner in Black

I LOVE Stila’s Stay All Day Eyeliner. It has a very fine felt tip which allows for a lot of precision but it’s not hard to layer up if you want something more dramatic too. It also has an incredibly rich color. I think that the pen itself is the perfect width for easy manipulation, but that may vary by hand size. It

I LOVE Stila’s Stay All Day Eyeliner. It has a very fine felt tip which allows for a lot of precision but it’s not

ok guys. i’m a crier. i’m a sweater. i am just generally a gooey person. my eyes are CONSTANTLY watering. this stuff does. not. move. lined my water line? wake up - still intact. the tip is super precise, and it goes on with one swipe (no need to re-trace to make it actually black).

ok guys. i’m a crier. i’m a sweater. i am just generally a gooey person. my eyes are CONSTANTLY watering. this stuff

Stila all-day waterproof liner pen. I have tried it all, and this one is the best. I tried to use the YSL and Laura Mercier gel pots, both transferred. The kat von d skips. The mac penultimate is atrocious. I love stila all-day pen and then I sometimes use the Mac liquidlast liquid liner to go over the flick if

Stila all-day waterproof liner pen. I have tried it all, and this one is the best. I tried to use the YSL and