
King of Tokyo. The logistics of the game are very clever, and there are so many ways one can focus their strategy to win. Monster designs are classic, their skills can be continuously compounded to deadly effect, and the dice add an element of luck that can be either life saving or diabolically tragic. It’s reasonably

King of Tokyo. The logistics of the game are very clever, and there are so many ways one can focus their strategy to

7 wonders, a good mix of strategy to keep it entertaining, but enough luck to not swamp those who haven’t ever played before, overall good game.

7 wonders, a good mix of strategy to keep it entertaining, but enough luck to not swamp those who haven’t ever

Carcasonne!! My four-year old beat me when we played.

Carcasonne!! My four-year old beat me when we played.

Most of the camgirls/models/etc I know have gotten these threats, and almost all of them have been worded: “If you don’t give me free content, I’ll report you to the IRS.”

The horse has had its tail docked (booooooo!), which is why it’s so short. The braid and scrunchie thing are mostly decoration.

I’m still amazed that this dude thinks $20k + credit card pay off is enough to get a pretty successful, probably fairly well-off woman to commit federal crimes with potential jail sentences. She’s supposed to perjure herself so she can, what? Buy a new mid-range sedan? GTFO

Oh yeah its not uncommon for pharmacists pull this religious beliefs shit with transgender people getting their HRT medication.

You know what you're not, Mr Pharmacist? A doctor. You are not qualified to determine if a fetus is dead, or decide what drugs someone should or should not take and why. You can warn about contraindications, advise about side effects and similar, but if someone who actually went to medical school says the fetus is

Here here he is hated in all Latin countries he was a a horrible person all conquistador were.

‘we honor his remarkable accomplishments as a navigator, & celebrate his voyage into the unknown expanse of the Atlantic Ocean.’

Of course Trump would praise the bravery of Columbus. They have a lot in common. They’re both grifters. They both wish they could eliminate dark skinned populations.

Hiring all woman and coaching young girls won’t erase the memory of what you did Bart.

She’s not naive. She’s evil, just like the rest of them.

Calling Collins a feminist is remarkably generous. The only woman she cares about is herself.

Makes sense as that’s what they seem to want in a president too. 

Guess I’ll just have to add to that pool of “dark money.”

Innocence? This was not a criminal hearing. Fairness? This is not a playground. This was a continuing job interview for a position that requires the absolute best of the best and Kavanaugh has repeatedly showed himself to not be it. If I were accused of sexual assault, and repeatedly lied and lost my temper during a

I’m glad you got something out of it, I too am a survivor and while I respect her and thank her for her efforts, they were for naught.

I am not trying to find a silver lining here, there isn’t one, women didn’t come out if this with anything, other than more pain and humiliation.  I have lost 2 friends in the last 2

This was American feminism in a nutshell. Black, Latinx, Asian, and Indigenous women ready progress and liberation being blocked from getting there by White women.

Ford spoke out for nothing. That’s what she was worried about all along: That she would re-live her trauma and ruin her life for nothing.

If Maine doesn’t vote out this attention-seeking sack of shit, shaped like a woman, we should vote them out.