
She didn’t fuck things up quite as much as Gary. Fuck Gary in both ears.

While I do agree, I think it’s important to remember how many people’s lives and well-being are at stake, and I don’t blame them for wanting to flee.

For instance, I keep thinking about how so many states in this country have laws enabling rapists to gain custody/visitation of the children they create through rape. If

Actually the Supreme Court decided that presidents have no immunity from charges stemming from crimes committed before taking office: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_v._Jones

His being president will not make this go away. But he’ll settle it (if he can) so he can brag about never admitting guilt.

As for the

While true, it’s not really Trump and his policies that really scare me, it’s the hate crimes and violence that he’s inspired. It’s as if he radicalized the far right, assuming a lot of them weren’t already hateful extremists. We have to fear Trump’s fascist decisions and we have to fear our fellow citizens. Many of

Yeah, it’s horribly depressing. The worst part is the same people that tell me to get a real job are the ones that want my art for free or for ridiculously low prices. Americans want art....they just don’t want to pay for it.

As a starving artist, I really hope you’re wrong. I mean, I’m not totally starving. I can eat, pay bills, and buy my supplies from what I make selling my work and taking commissions, but there’s this really depressing thing that no one in art school ever told me: artists can never afford to buy their own work. By that

You’d have to argue that the man has a right to the fetus, and not that fetuses have constitutional rights and protection. And if you argue that a man has a right to a fetus, then you’re therefore arguing women do not have autonomy nor privacy, which is very much against the 14th amendment. I’d say it’s a huge long

*sniffle* WRONG!

Maybe that’s why he hates immigrants so much?

Ah, yes, boring republican rape-is-just-another-form-of-conception Ryan. You know we’ve really hit rock bottom when we hope Paul Ryan becomes president instead of the two people we elected :/

I don’t personally know any of them, but no. Fuck them.

The New School was set up as a haven for scholars escaping Nazi Germany in 1933. And now it’s being defaced with racist and anti-Semitic graffiti. Fucking awesome. Way to go, American. Thanks, Donald.

I saw your addendum, and I didn’t think it was entirely necessary - I knew what you meant! None of my anger was directed towards you, sorry if it seemed that way. I completely agree that we should have the education and access to birth control and family planning necessary to keep abortion rare. I don’t want anyone to

God fucking dammit. I had an abortion several years ago. I’m tired of having to justify it. I’m tired of feeling like I should be ashamed or keep it a secret.

I had an abortion. I don’t regret it. I’d do it again if I had to. I don’t owe anyone an explanation. And I don’t give a single flying fuck what these people

No, we underestimated just how brazenly racist and misogynistic our country is. We all knew America was this racist and sexist, but we thought it was too embarrassed of it to actually admit it to the world and elect someone like Donald.

Also in Baltimore, see you there!

This is the same judge that Trump said couldn’t be impartial because he’s a Mexican, even though he’s from Indiana. My guess is he’s not going to go easy on him...

My mom was an undecided voter. She voted for a democrat for the first time in her life, despite truly disliking Clinton, because she thought Trump was just that bad and, unlike you, wanted to do everything she could to prevent him from ruining our country and her children’s futures.

I just learned that Plan B doesn’t expire for several years, so we should all stock up. You can usually buy it at Planned Parenthood for half price.

Yup. The same people that were advocating an armed revolution if Donald lost are now calling peaceful protests “unfair.”