
If the show gets a few more seasons, there will be a Yellow group, simply because those will eventually also be the episodes where someone discovered MST3K and then watched it for a few years. Just like the golden age of science fiction is eleven, the best host is the one you saw first.

I've seen the Midlands. How could you tell the difference?

They don't even get a soft drink of their own for people to rant about. Remember when OK Soda was a brainwashing program targeted at Generation X to make them abandon all progressive ambition? The Baffler remembers.

Damn all this hatred of white male billionaire Marvel superheroes! It's the reason Robert Downey Jr. is only doing Crackle-exclusive sex comedies these days.

Wait a minute. Harold Zoid wasn't even nominated!

It's totally real. The intention was to make **THE LIBRULZ WHATS RUININ SCIENSS FICTON** feel humiliated and worthless, but it turns out that folks don't get that humiliated when a good-hearted person with the enthusiasm of a puppy decides to use his limitless supplies of goodwill to make people feel like they should

Also, the Children's Television Workshop was really not doing that great financially, now that DVD sales are officially gone to shit. The more you look at their move to HBO, the more you see that it's a desperate survival tactic. Maybe not this year, but a year coming up real soon, CTW will reveal that if it hadn't

It's the Eurupean spelling.

I did enjoy the idea that he filmed a massive library of clips suitable for punctuating any occasion or scenario, and now I want a scene where he's recording them.

So they finally got around to remaking Mazes and Monsters, then.

Every single one of the most-positive sentences it found for me was me being sarcastic, so its sarcasm detection is working great.

Some technical notes, in case anyone cares. These days, basically every program supports Unicode, which is a global character set designed to contain every conceivable character from every human language ever created, as well as a wide variety of non-letter/non-word symbols (like mathematical or safety warning

That was the most realistic part of the entire episode. London taxi drivers have to pass a ridiculously difficult test called The Knowledge. The final exam involves answering a series of complex route-finding questions from memory, although probably with fewer cars down stairs and through pedestrian tunnels.

Everything you need to know about the Libertarian primaries is that there was a loud faction who felt Johnson was too mainstream and electable. They wanted to go with crazy antivirus guy John McAfee, who probably isn't wanted for murder in Belize, but check this space for updates.

They really do, according to noted Jill Stein expert Jill Stein, who decided that the results she shared in https://twitter.com/DrJillS… were important enough to share with the entire goddamn world.

Justin Trudeau has had the good fortune to have really stupid and shitty enemies this time around. I'm convinced they are at least part of why the current polling shows that Canada thinks it made a mistake by not giving the Liberals a two-thirds majority.

The AV Club
a nation whispers that's not a great job, Internet

Finally, a superhero franchise for the people who were disappointed by the bright colors, endless optimism, warm humanity and unquestionably heroic characters of Batman v Superman.

Most folks are here. It's like the way that I've never run into a Trump supporter in America.

They're four white guys whose only job was to not disrespect an entire country, and that was apparently too difficult a task for them, which sort of proves the point of those who talk about the low expectations placed on mediocre white men.