
*Spike Lee tweets CODCO's home address*

Well then you shouldn't be walking at all!

"Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me The Safeword (Which Doesn't Exist Anyway)".

Not looking at something is too much work. We need to invent a machine for it.

It's true. Nobody will ever guess Hb0!.

Your Shit Crow's Hair Says royalties, sir.

It makes sense that you'd like sneaky references, what with your husband's love of puzzles.

I'd join in, but I'm Busch'd.

Don't worry, tech support can clean up that virus that inserts the word "except" at random points.

Oops, shouldn't have this Bar Association logo here either.

I assume this means that if you don't like Wilkins Coffee, you have accidents, not just fifteen-second comical mishaps.

No thanks. I was born a Rosicrucian, I'll die a Rosicrucian.

Everything you said after "none of these people are HBO subscribers" was just white noise

Obviously your friend is lying because streaming music has to let artists make a decent living because we are entitled to free music forever because we just are.

If I ever come across a time machine, forget killing Hitler. I'm going back in time with a bunch of royalty statements from Spotify and not leaving until Steve Albini retitles his essay "Sony Wants To Pay You $4000 To Take A Five-Week Vacation: Enjoy Their Generosity While It Lasts".

"With" Extraman.

Tlon, Uqbar, Blue Bird Splittius.

We live in a universe where Patrick Stewart as Spider Jerusalem could have been a thing? I now have a hole in my life that I didn't even know I had.

The mailbox was Haldeman.

I remember Nocenti's work getting a lot of stick (heh) at the time because we were all dazzled by Miller. But I reread Born Again on Marvel Unlimited and just kept going, and then I noticed on one issue "hey, Miller didn't write this one, Ann Nocenti did".