His Holy Tentacles

So did Volkswagen. Nothing wrong with those folks.

Oh Adidas.. How the mighty has fallen.

Oscar Bait 2

Any excuse to feature "gritty" naked black woman.

And hookers. And blackjack tables. And hookers.

The talented one, the two lab-created ones, the ones in the attic. Guess we'll never know.

Oh, didn't you know Bill always wanted Dreamworks to do a 3D animation of C&H. He just loves people missing the point of his work.

I don't disagree with your core argument, but considering the way business interests, and in this case, the gun lobby, have subverted the democratic process, on a practical level, hitting them where it hurts - profits, is the only way to go.

Uh, phrasings?

♫ Will we see a surprise renewal? ♫

Bender: The Killing Joke(r)

Yet another re-watch of This Is The End. A few more, and I'll finally forgive Rogen and Franco for Pineapple Express. Maybe.

Just because you're an idiot at 12 whatever your age now, doesn't mean everyone is.

I was an asexual in high school. Nobody ever made a damn comic about me!

That is just beautiful.

I fully expect a 20 minute coverage by John Oliver next week.

It can be two things.

Thanks, Obama!

Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio, and in magazines, and movies, and at ball games… and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts, and bananas and written on the sky. But not in dreams, no siree.

From the link: