No. Humanity is merely an expirement by alien scientists. Hypothesis I) Human are like crabs Hypothesis II) Human are like ants.
(till the next one)
Still haven't cleared them, eh?
He is not Judge Judy and Executioner!
Knowing Hollywood, she’ll probably play one of the Mexican villagers who enlists seven gunslingers to protect her town, but we suppose anything’s possible.
Lack of choice..
Busy with NCIS:New Orlean..zzzzzzz.
The weakest BB's episode in recent memory. Still, "White Talkers". Awesome.
Female talents, more disposable than condoms.
So, apparently awesome promos by Jon S. and Paul Heyman, but based on the review I'm still not interested to watch the show.
Except Lucy Liu Bot.
Slay me, Kristy.
It's in the same universe as Who and Broadchurch.
I like you, Mr Bob (and also extremely jealous of your comments/ up-votes ratio.)
Nah, she's a social activist/philosopher/historian who would like to repeal women's voting right, and I have to say I agree with her.
Clause II: One member must be named Muhammed.
Man, Bruce Campbell get around a lot these days.
Superman 5: Back from Purgatory
Kanye West: Now Ruining Tattoos