
hmmm this gets me excited. I LOVED WinAmp, it was more efficient and faster than WMP, and its layout, just the default one, was LEAGUES better than M$ has cobbled together TODAY. As someone with a HUGE catalog of ripped music that he refuses to get rid of as a large portion of it can’t be found via streaming services,

You either misunderstood me or I worded it poorly, I get that its work, which is why I’m never mad if she’s not up to it/feeling lazy/etc.

Cutting through the obvious political leanings (which are OK). What Obama was doing, is what he did during his presidency, and what Michele just reiterated a week or so ago, he took the high road. Love him or hate him, Obama was class personified, who’s biggest gaff was “z0mg he’s wearing a tan suit IMPEACH!”. That’s

I’m only saying it because it was my gut comment - we should encourage them because there is no reason not to. Now going beyond that surface comment that if you heard me say it, you could hear the sass, it is best for all parties.

You beat me to it. I’d rather take matters into my own hands than feel guilty that I’m not getting my jollies off because of my wife’s lack of interest or laziness at the time. I’m never mad about it though.

So I’m in a weird place, I’m not quite “Anti-Apple”, but I harbor ill-feelings towards them specifically because of what updates did to both my original iPad and then my iPhone4. Updates pretty much ruined the phone, and conceptually bricked the iPad. I’ve watched as my wife’s older phone got worse and worse

My wife bought Queendomino after the success of Kingdomino in our house, but we haven’t even touched it over the past 6 months or so. I looked at it and it looked WAY more complex than Kingdomino, so I never got excited to try and digest it so I could teach my kids. Maybe we should que that up next time.

Sort of amending my other post, while Zombicide is long, so it may be difficult for younger kids, games with little figures that are MEANT to be painted, make for a great art-n-craft activity...so you get a game, you get arts and craft, and you can expand on it by going to gameshops and getting your own characters to

King Domino has been great for us (6-7y), its fast to setup, fast to play, simple, and involves math. Despite the type of thinking that is involved, the winner spreads around, without using “CPU Assistance” like Mario Kart or Mario Party.

What you consider real news is no better. It is the same stories, just covered from a different angle. And frankly, no CNN is not purely center, but compared to the places you are alluding to, it has significantly LESS bias.

Dammit, I didn’t see the answer to the question I have...does the multi-Switch mode require a second copy of the game?

I don’t like this. I don’t agree with this. Not in some fan-boy kind of way, but in a “I feel like you’re missing the boat” kind of way. Since when has Nintendo come to market with a STRONG performing console? The last time was the N64. After that, Nintendo consoles have never been about specs, they haven’t even been

Yes. While the Wii U was a failure as a console (though I have two because we enjoyed it so much), it setup the Switch, the true successor to the 3DS now that cellphones and free to play games have eaten up the portable market. If they could make a cheaper and more portable *variant* of the Switch, then all the teams

My mom taught high-school special education, and so some of this was already instilled in me. I definitely want to confirm the first part head-on. Not only is it isolating, not only can it come off as talking behind someone’s back, but the issue is just going to come up again in the future. This isn’t like “the drug

I can’t wait for an angry twitter tirade forced to my phone!

I did my first Escape Room @ Escapology in Orl. Had a blast and am looking forward to doing another one. when I did it, it was JUST my wife and I and the room felt the right size (up to 4 people, don’t know how though). Are the bigger ones better?

My wife doesn’t eat pork, barely eats beef, won’t eat duck, like the only meat she eats are chicken, Turkey, fish, and sometime steak. This has caused my chicken intake to shoot up over the past decade as it is the “default” protein. Sunday evening for me is grilling 8-10 of the monstrous sized chicken breast as food

I’m not in the exact same boat as you, but the company is the same, the model is the same, I think we just have different versions or years. I’ve grown sick of everyone wanting a subscription service for everything to constantly drain my funds. No longer is it “save up to buy photoshop” its “keep paying for it”, and

I like it, I don’t think its that different, I’m sure you have to adjust the unit to make sense, writing 100 pages of a book to me would equate better as “write a book” and “do an album”. Yes doing 100 of those is unrealistic, so you should pair it down, but saying “100 chapters” and “100 songs” feels “fair”.

I’m SURE I’ve said foul things on the internet, though less than most with any internet history, as I always had a fear that a day of “reckoning” would come. But beyond just the internet, you think of things you’ve said/done through out your whole life, and I can typically group them into (2) pots - things that were “a