
Its not about searching for a 95% IV pokemon, its that hatching a pokemon...if I hatch a dratini, its useless unless I’ve caught like 30+ other dratini, I’ll say using pineapps and drop that to 20. Of that 20, most likely one of them is going to have better IVs than the one you hatched. Not only that, but its going to

I’m all for this post, but it unfortunately its only realistic for people with access to non-rural areas and coins/money to spend on both eggs and raid passes, and the volume of people who fall outside of that cross is pretty large. I do think something needs to be said for stardust. Keeping it a buck - your actual

So while I prefer to spend my coins on incubators, in reality, those hatched pokemon are throw away when it comes to raids. If you need a real strong pokemon for a raid, the reality is you have caught a bunch of them to get the eggs to evolve it and then to power it up, a hatched egg barely puts a dent in that number,

So this is one I’m currently still a little salty on, so I want to throw 2 cents in. There is how much you can afford, and then there is how much is the PROPERTY. You could afford say $360k, and the house could be on the market for $300k, but you need to have a firm grasp on the true cost of the house.

We don’t have any high quality knives so it doesn’t make a huge difference to us. I always freak out though because I get worried about the ‘dangerous need to be cooked’ foods, when I hand wash...hell I clean/change my tongs when grilling chicken or pork..

I can get behind that thought process to an extent, I have friends whom have had reassignment surgery, and have felt so much better at that point, so while I agree with you in some cases, maybe even most, I do think there are outliers out there that really feel wrong - ‘beyond’ societal norms and on a more physiology

We had a reset on our retirement when buying our house and funds have been super tight since then because of various reasons (unplanned kid, AC going out, well water having issues, totaled car, job loss...four times between both of us). I recently got to jump start my retirement by using my raise. Moving forward I

This one hits home. My wife is allergic to sulfa drugs apparently. she gets super drowsy and can’t function with too much in her system apparently. Well a few summers ago she got strep throat from one of the kids in her class. Of course by the time it was diagnosed, I had it to, and because she doesn’t understand

Its gotten kind of weird for me in that the support that I see, typically comes from other minorities, because they get it. I have some white friends that get it and “do the right thing” if you will, but its my trans friends, my asian american friends, etc whom actively speak out, and NOT because of me - which is key

was his writing creepy, sure, but before this movie, Elastigirl was by far the THICCest thing to come out of Pixar, and not only was she THICCer here, but there was more emphasis on her and more screen time devoted to her, with more screen shots that did accentuate her THICCness. Did that make me feel some kind of

(0_0)‘ why didn’t I think of this before. I rob the fingertip bandaids at work whenever I get those sharp pieces of skin/nail...and this is so...obvious...I’m literally disgusted with myself right now haha

We’ve sort of done/started that with our 7 year old, but its just for playing Pokemon Go when tethered to our phones. Just not ready for him to have that kind of “freedom” or “distraction”. We’ve talked about getting him one of those burner type phones that can only call one number when he starts riding the bus, but

First, you had me at “obligatory farts across the house”.

this does mess me up, I wanted LBJ to go to SAS. Its only fitting that he plays there considering how bad they’ve destroyed him previously (and I don’t blame him for those losses).

He is a freak, but and I hate to quote SAS, but - Father Time is undefeated. Kobe played under a lot of minutes and stress too, and it was in carrying the Laker squad his next to last year that he got hurt. If LBJ wants to play until his son gets in the L, then he needs to have a much lighter load, not LEAD THE LEAGUE

So I agree whole heartedly with the article, but I think its always been up to ‘you’ to dig deeper than just a number/star.

Your last paragraph is the most important, none o the stand-ups that I can recall for Kevin, step into politics. Chapelle? Yeah. Rock? Yeah. Hart? Nope. In fact, Hart’s true schtick is that his routines center around himself. His jokes boil down to “I’m short”, “I’m different”, “How I survive being short”, that’s

Keeping it blunt, it looks bad on the surface to me because I don’t know the other person. If you know the other person though, that context plays a big part of it, so while I’m not a fan of what the shot may come off as, some attempt at playing up the other woman could have gone a LONG way.

mmm touchy one hehe. I talk with my wife about it all the time, for perspective we are middle class, so the idea of hitting it big via lotto or some magic investment, while it would change a lot, we don’t feel would lead directly to unhappiness.

It’s got nothing to do with like/dislike, absolutely nothing.